Thursday, October 17, 2024

Adaptation Sources- Halo

Adaptation Sources blog post  


Animated movie “Fall of Reach” and Halo Tv series  



I am looking at two adaptations based off the game series Halo and comparing the two adaptations which is an animated movie and TV series. Hopefully that works.  



Gives us an overview of the games and novels that have been created and gives details about the history, technology, and groups within the Halo universe. 


This link is about the adaptation of the Novel “Halo: The Flood” to the game “Halo: Combat Evolved”. 


We get the difference in timelines between the game timeline and the series which is the “Silver timeline”  

This gives us a summary of the animated movie Halo and talks about the production and adaptation differences.  

This is like a senior thesis I think it’s trying to answer the question “How so science and religion relate to each other in the Hala game series”. 

Social History 

Top political stories in 2022 such as Supreme Court overturns abortion rights and Russa invades Ukraine. 


Top events that happened in the year 2015.  



  • The article talks about the first season of the Halo TV series, but I put it under apparatus because it gives us in depth of the feelings we feel when we play the game Halo. “What is most interesting about Halo is not the story on its own but the way that story interweaves with innovations present only in games: the slickness of a sniper’s aim and the arc of a plasma grenade; the openness of the world and the test of its difficulty. The Master Chief is not just the Master Chief: He is also you, a cypher for your triumph (Bedingfield).” It also gives feedback on the producer of the series and how adaptations fail.  


Bedingfield, W. (2022, March 23). Halo Joins the Ranks of Failed Video Game Adaptations. Wired. Retrieved October 14, 2024, from 


Adaptation Semiotic Data Elaboration by Monica Sitachitta

 Adaptation Semiotic Data Elaboration By Monica Sitachitta

Movie Newsies

- In the movie version of this story, it focuses more on the boys and them realizing they have a voice in the world, so they want to stick it to the big man who is Pulitzer who has the biggest paper in all of New York.

- In this version Davey and his little brother Les work because their dad got hurt. We get to meet their family, and they bring our main character Jack with them, and he meets his love interest Sarah she represents more traditional woman roles for at the time and does play in the background to just really be there as the supportive love interest, but she doesn’t take any action.

-The reporter for the sun news article named Bryan Denton he is just a pretty well known reporter who is taking a risk on these kids. He helps them by getting the word of the strike out and he helps influence the other kids in all of New York to join them as well.

- Pulitzer in this movie he is just very stuck up with power and he knows everyone knows him and we don’t really get to see to much of him but he is just a stuck up white privileged male taking advantage of these boys

-In this version we see woman not as powerful of impactful except for staying at home and supporting the men they care about from there

Broadway Newsies

- In the broadway version we still do focus on young males showing that they have a voice against the kids, but we do bring a more female take on it as well to show empowerment to woman.

- Kathrine Plumber is the woman empowerment in this show she works for the New York Sun but they don’t really give her a chance to be a real reporter like her dream. She is the love interest of this story but she also is the reporter that follows these boys and helps them with the strike. With this change it gets rid of both Bryan and Sarah. This change helps bring empowerment to woman especially for the time and even though she is falling in love she is still able to jump in on the action.

- Pulitzer in this version is still very much a rich snob who only cares about himself but Kathrine is his daughter that he isn’t super proud of because instead of choosing the life of luxury she chose to pursue a career. In addition she was going against this adds a whole other layer to the story to Katherine who took the chance and instead of living off her dad’s money wanting to make a name for herself

- In this version we see woman taking a stand against the gender norms and that they have value from just staying home and wanting to help grow and evolve the world.