Monday, September 28, 2015

Adaptation Source- The Fantastic Four


This article explains how the Fantastic 4 are like a dysfunctional, but loving family. At the time the Fantastic 4 comic was created (November 1961), This was a different and unconventional way to portray a super hero team. The comic is a good symbol for families and how they acted back is the 1960's.

This article explains how the fantastic 4 are the first real superhuman family ever created. However the article also explains the members were on and off the team, which then they would find replacements. In the movie, they created a different problem and solution instead of the original one.

Jason Newcomb- The writer of this article explains how the Fantastic four has two origin points, one that is fact and one that is fiction. The writer also explains how these comics were some of the greatest of all time. The movies that were redone from the comic drowns the comics greatness because of how poorly the movies did. The writer feels the fantastic four had a wonderful sense of unity which is what made the comic so popular and is why we still read and watch the fantastic four to this day.

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