Kaci Pecht
Beauty and The Beast (1991)
Social History:
Heiner, H. (1999). SurLaLune Fairy Tales: History of Beauty and the Beast. Retrieved
September 28, 2015, from http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/beautybeast/history.html
In the article, The History of Beauty and The Beast, written by Heidi Heiner, shares the not-so-well-known history of the tale, Beauty and The Beast. Within the article, it states that Beauty and The Beast did not start out as traditional folklore, however, throughout the story, it did incorporate elements that favor folklore. Heiner writes about the origin of Beauty and The Beast, saying that the story began in 1740 with Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve, who was a French writer.
Ebert, R., & Berardinelli, J. (n.d.). Beauty and The Beast (1991 Film). Retrieved
September 28, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beauty_and_the_Beast_(1991_film)#Critical_response
On the Wikipedia article on Beauty and The Beast, I was interested in the critical response that the film culminated among its audience. Unfortunately, I could not find a bad review from this article, so overall this movie, was well liked, for both parents and children. This article is also filled with interesting facts about the production process, one of them being that Walt Disney had attempted, unsuccessfully, to adapt Beauty and The Beast into an animated film feature in the 1930’s and 1950’s.
Pickett, T. (n.d.). Beauty and the Beast. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
In this plot summary, written by Tim Pickett, he elaborates on the conflict and story line to convey a better understanding of the film.
Swan, S. (1999, September 1). GATEWAY TO DATABASES. Retrieved September 28,
2015, from http://bulldogs.tlu.edu:2278/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=db6b89e8-6de4-4ce2-9c49-9f7189ff3ead@sessionmgr115&vid=10&hid=121
In this article written by Susan Swan, she questions how Beauty and the Beast
became so popular so fast, and also goes deeper into the evolving of the original Beauty and the Beast story.
Beastly (2011)
Social History:
Beastly (Film). (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
In this Wikipedia Article on the topic of Beastly, I found some interesting things about
the film. One thing that I found, was that the critics were not all about this movie, as they had been in the more classical tale of Beauty and the Beast. Many movie critics gave it a 4 out of 10 stars, or a very low grade, according to Rotten Tomatoes.
Carvalho, C. (n.d.). Beastly. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
In this elaborate summary of Beastly, written by Claudio Carvalho, he writes about the major climatic rises and falls of the story plot. This plot bears a huge resemblance to the earlier Disney, Beauty and the Beast.
Fannin, S. (n.d.). Beastly based on Beauty and the Beast. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
In this UMHB student article, written by Stacy Fannin, emphasises on the similarities between Beastly and Beauty and the Beast.
Not enough on fairy tales as a genre, and perhaps Disney films as a genre, aside from B&tB. Same is true of the history stuff. Move away from the text.