Monday, September 28, 2015

Adaptation Sources - Nick Fury

Social History

Garcia, K. (2014, February 16). Nick fury is white (but his son isn't). 
     Retrieved September 28, 2015, from Observation Deck website:

This article explains the transition between the white Nick Fury since his appearance in 1963 to the black Nick Fury of today. It also shows how the effects of the unsegregated military had on the comic along with some other social issues at the time. 

Krayewski, E. (2015). Nick fury in the cold war [Review of the book [Title of 
     Reviewed Work]]. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from 

This article describes the conditions or tensions of the Cold War at the time Nick Fury was involved with it. It goes on to explain how like Fury, America's political intentions have an obsession with war.


Nick fury. (2015, May 15). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from Comic vine 

This article goes through the creation of Nick Fury and the development of his character along with some situations Fury has been involved in. 

Fichera, M. (2015). Nick fury. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from Marvel 
     Universe Wiki website:,_Nick 

This also gives more information about Fury's past and his purpose in the comics as in his leadership role in the Howling Commandos and as an agent in SHIELD. 

1 comment:

  1. You need more on comics in general outside of the Fury context. Otherwise this looks okay.
