Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Comic Analysis


  1. Good points, however, I would add some additional details. Another reason that panel #1 time can be seen as slow is the space that the panel takes on the page, which is substantially larger than other panels (such as panel #3 and #4). Also, I would add that panel #3 time is quicker because the panel is smaller and, as described, the couple were in a frantic, therefore, making a quick decision. This scene then supports the size of the panel and the situation that Anka and the old couple are in.

  2. This is a really good start, although I would definitely elaborate on your interpretation of the authors reasoning for designing the panels the way they are; what affect does it give and how does it make the reader feel? For example, the thick, jagged lines around panel 2 show the security and feeling of safety inside the house as compared tho the 4th bleeding panel where she feels vulnerable to danger once again. Also you are missing your other form of elaborations on the picture on the panels. A possible thesis could include how the structure of lines evokes a sense of presence to the reader.

  3. I really like the organization you have here. It makes it easy to see your train of thought. I would like to see on the actual picture of the comic what your thoughts are as well as in the chart. That would be helpful to see it on both. It makes an outsider be able to follow your interpretations (I hope I spelled that right lol) better since we all have different views. You are on the right track! Just go further in detail, it will make your presentation go much more smoothly.

    1. Just to add on... I can't really pin point exactly what you are trying to say about the page you picked. What arguments are you trying to make here?
