Tuesday, September 10, 2019

COmic aNalysIS pg 85


  1. Your analysis was good, though I think you might have gotten the abstraction pieces mixed up (Those closer to 5 are less realistic, while closer to 1 are super realistic). As for an argument that could be made in this sort of scenario, perhaps you could contrast the smoothness of these panels to the jaggedness that is constantly present in Adult Mia's panels. Maybe those differences in line styles could symbolize how, in youth, things seem more calm while as an adult things seem more hectic. Even in our most trying times as a kid, things don't seem all too bad, while as an adult, even our calm times can have a storm brewing in them. This is just an idea, though!

  2. I really like what you said about the conversation feeling like it has an expiration date in panel 1 and how rushed the conversation is because they're in secrecy. I feel like people do this a lot, even when it's not in secret, and we forget to have intentional conversation with people and really focus on our time with them. I know that if Mia would have known that Grace was leaving soon then she would have held onto the conversation longer because she would have cherished even the not so good moments that she had with Grace.

  3. I agree that the lines are smooth and the timing is rushed however, as far as the abstraction scale goes, you may have it backwards. I cant really see your chart all the well but your notes on the page look well analyzed.

  4. I like how she mentions the words in panel one, this help distinguish the girls’ body language. In reality we need to pay attention to people’s words and body language because they go hand in hand and it can help us understand the entirety of conversations better.
