Sunday, October 13, 2019

Outline of adaptation

·         Attention Getter
o   It appears the only good time to buy a doll is when its rejected
·         Credibility
o   My credibility comes from watching both movies several times and doing research to find out what the movies are actually based on
·         Thesis
o   The changes in ideology such as consumerism, genre, and social history has given us the changes in horror movies that we see today.
·         Today we will be talking about Consumerism, genre, and social history
·         Consumerism
o   Child’s Play was based off of consumerism. ( and a few other things that I will bring up later.
o   Consumerism is the protection or promotion of the interest of consumers
o   “In 1981, President Ronald Reagan (1911–) set the tone for an increase in spending by American consumers by celebrating his inauguration with eleven million dollars' worth of pageantry and balls. (
o   The 1980s shopping seemed to be an important thing that Americans were able to do. The money that they earned they wanted to be able to use it for fun. Child’s play 1988 used it to its advantage by showing the world that buying everything may come at a price.
o   Consumerism in 2019 has change a lot. “People are buying less often and less overall” ( ) Although, it may seem like all millennials and Generation Z want every new item that they can get their hands on its just not the case. The younger generation are not only opting for cheaper smart phones, but they are also keeping them for longer. ( ).  So, although, Apple is already on the iPhone 11, a lot of us still have the iPhone 6. We may want the best thing out there but a lot of us can’t afford it, so we think why spend money on the newest thing when the old thing is still working.
o   Since we talked about consumerism we are going to move towards Genre.
·         Genre
o    Child’s Play 1988 and 2019 the genres are horror and comedy. The reason for this is because most scenes in the movies are just jump scares. The 1988 version of the movie has less humor than the 2019 version. In the 2019 version has less horror and more humor. In the 2019 version you get comments like “Hobbit motherfucker”, and “This is for Tupac”. These comments add to the humor of the movie.  
o   Moving away from Genre we go into my last topic which is Social History
·         Social History
o   The original Child’s Play movie is based off consumerism, the cabbage patch kids, trilogy of terror, and The Twilight Zone episode “Living Doll”. The name Charles Lee Ray is based off of 3 different killers Charles Manson, Lee Harvey Oswald, and James Earl Ray. The movie that Child’s Play is based off another movie that was made in 1975 called Trilogy of Horror.  Trilogy of Horror goes over 3 different stories all about women that are being tormented. The last one to play deals with a woman getting tormented in her own apartment by an African tribal doll. Chucky which is an American doll who torments a single mother and her son. *a man comes to the rescue as seen in both movies*. Child’s Play 2019 was based off the original Child’s Play, but the doll was based off the Furby toys and Robosapiens. Robosapiens were robots that were created so they can be easily hacked. So, if someone really wanted to create a killer doll they could.
·         Conclusion
o   Today we have talked about Consumerism, Genre, and social history.
o   Clincher
§  “This is the end friend” Child's play 1988
§  Thank you!

Child’s Play 1988
Main Focus: Consumerism, cabbage patch kids, Trilogy of horror, and “Living doll” a twilight episode
Child’s Play 2019
Main Focus: Consumerism, Furbys, and Robosapiens
Genre: Horror, and comedy
Genre: Horror, and Comedy
Consumerism: Although spending is a big deal during the 1980s this movie brings in the idea of “be careful who you buy from”
Consumerism: Since Consumerism isn’t that big of a deal in 2019 it brings in the idea that when people return things it might be for a very good reason. In the scene where the Buddi doll is being returned the mom said it had red eyes, but Karen didn’t care.
Social History: In this movie it doesn’t talk about much mental health, because all you can see is that he is scared. This might be because Andy is still young, and he doesn’t fully understand his feelings.
Social History. In 2019 we are focused more on mental health and how people are feeling. So, while watching this movie you can see that Andy has a full range of emotions, and this might be because Andy is 11. He understands some of his emotions at this age.
Impact: In this scene you have Andy a 6-year-old saying goodbye to his killer doll. With this goodbye you also get the feeling that Andy is also saying goodbye to his childhood. You feel bad for Andy because he had to suffer a lot at such a young age.
Impact: Mike has less of an impact because although he did lose his mom you still find yourself feeling bad for Andy because of all the suffering he went through. Mike, who is the detective, is more of a backup character who is coming to save Andy. The whole movie we are focused on Andy and his well being. 

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