Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Longest Yard 1974 & 2005


Nakoven Lewis

Annotated Bibliography 

The Longest Yard 1974 & 2005

      Social History: 


This is an outstanding action drama, combining the brutish excitement of football competition with the brutalities of contemporary prison life. What saves it, aside from good performances by Burt Reynolds & Adam Sandler and a thundering herd of supporting grotesques, is, of all things, a tough, tiny nut of valid social criticism enrolling a tough life in jail with racism back then.





Peter Segal's "The Longest Yard," with its caveman humor and eyeroll-inducing shenanigans, Featuring Adam Sandler as an aging and incarcerated football player, the comedy is good-natured, swift, and fun. It never offers anything highbrow, but it is an engaging sports comedy. 

The film revolves around Sandler's imprisoned quarterback who, in the big house, is tasked with putting together an inmate-laden team of ballers. It is a typical misfits-make-good-or-die-trying sports comedy, and there is enough charm and subtle edge to make the story and the comedy work.

Segal's direction focuses on comedy and characters, but he adds a spritely pizzazz to the affair. The sports scenes are colorful and swift, while his cast goofs competently. Sandler is controlled and somewhat mature in his lead role and allows his supporting cast to ham it up. He makes a solid anchor for a group that includes a charismatic Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds, and assorted NFL players.

Genre:  Drama ,Comedy  Both For The 1974 & 2005 film

An ex-football star doing time is forced by the warden to organize a team of inmates to play against his own line-up of guards. The warden tries to blackmail him into throwing the game, but the convicts have their own ideas and see the game as an opportunity to repay some of the brutality they have endured.


The Director name was Roberts Aldrich And he made the first film was made in 1974 with his star actor at the time Burt Reynolds  And in 2005 the director Peter Segal With his star Adam Sandler Really wasn't a much differents story line cause it somewhat still the same movie but in 1974 wars an racism was going on back then as in 2005 we still have racism but we don't have war the film photographer is very much different from old to new.




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