Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Fruitvale Station, Fight on the Subway


Film Technique


Overall result of technique


 Close up

Medium close up

 ( Shot)


Meduim Shot

0-06 sec-0:26 sec

31-38 seconds




1min 21 sec

*Close up on main characters Oscar and Katie


*Big scary dude comes up to


*View of all the men on the subway




Eye level ( angle)

26-1 min

*Having a conversation with Katie and moving on to fight with other men

Movement ( crane)

38 - 53sec

*as the fight happens the camera is extremely mobile and shaky

Plane( foreground & background)

0-1 min

*setting; on a subway, background is the people on the subway , foreground the main characters

Lighting ( overhead)

0-1 min 5 secs

*While on the subway, lights are on above and the lighting is normal lit from above

Exposure( correct exposure)



On the train and him getting off the train you can see lights and darks

Editing (eyeline match)

18 sec 24 secs

Carrying on conversation with oscar


  1. This is my second time now having to comment under a post about a movie I have never seen before or heard of, so I guess this is just thanks to the people that were watching the season finale of Money Heist rather than doing their class blog they've been dying to post on. Anyways, similar to the comment I had earlier under another classmate who chose this same film, I would just look to think outside the box as to how and why these technique choices are made in order to effectively give off the feeling Coogler wants the audience to experience. Remember entertainment and pop culture are meant to free the viewer from the shackles that hold them down when they realize they have to listen to Vrooman for another 45 minutes thinking class was almost over, even though it has literally only been five minutes. Just kidding Vrooman your class actually is my favorite. So, just try to keep that in mind when you continue with this project in order to understand how this unique mixture of random film techniques create a movie that an audience wants to see again and again.

  2. I'm guessing this is a fight scene. I'd add some commentary on the film techniques, a "why" for a technique used or to what effect the technique created would be helpful. As for a thesis, I would suggest comparing this action scene to either well-acclaimed fight sequences or fight-sequences in movies similar to this one.

  3. I think you did a good job of describing what the scene looks like through the techniques, but I'd elaborate more on the most important techniques used in the film such as the shakiness of the camera and the way it intensifies the chaos of the fight scene and the eyeline match when Oscar realizes who is yelling at him. This scene is the rising action that leads to the climax of the movie and you are really supposed to feel the suspense while you're watching it since you know what is going to happen once they get off the subway so I would just add more about how the director uses these techniques to frame such an important scene.
