Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Fruitvale Station - Oscar says goodbye to Tatiana



  1. Hi Katy, all of the film techniques you provided are really in depth and well thought out. With that being said, I would make one suggestion to look to expand on these techniques into determining the bigger picture of how these techniques affect the meaning of this film. Unfortunately, I have never seen this movie so I'd be lying to you if I told you how the techniques you chose shed more light on a film you probably have watched and like way more than me. So, rather than ruining this movie you may or may not like, what I will offer as advice is to find out why these choices are made. Why are there footsteps heard off screen when I can just see for myself? Or, why is their added grain in one of the scenes instead of correct exposure? Asking questions like this have helped me out numerous of times on the past few quizzes we have had and I hope they help you too. Don't quote me on that though.

  2. Based on the techniques you listed, mostly the description of color, I assume the scene is meant to be a bittersweet good-bye. I would recommend adding the same commentary you did with color on the other techniques as well. As for a thesis (keep in mind I haven't seen this movie), I'd suggest comparing this scene to other scenes that may be familiar to this one; same characters, same setting, similar dialogue, etc... In the comparing similar scenes, you may be able to find similarities in film techniques as well. For example, when two characters are together, a particular music theme will play, or a certain lighting technique, or a repeating color. Stuff like that.
