Sunday, October 3, 2021

Aladdin Adaptation Sources


Acuna, K. (2019, May 25). 37 of the biggest differences between the live-action 'aladdin' and the animated movie. Insider. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will use this source to help analyze the differences between the 1992 version and the 2019 version, especially to illustrate the difference in tone and genre between the two. (1992, November 25). Aladdin. IMDb. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will use this source to help understand the genre of the original 1992 version of Aladdin. (2019, May 24). Aladdin. IMDb. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will use this source to help understand the genre of the new Aladdin from 2019 as well as to show the shift in genres.

Sinha-roy, Piya. “A WHOLE New World. (Cover Story).” Entertainment Weekly, no. 1542/1543 (December 28, 2018): 16–21.

 I will use this source to help display the directors different choices in actors, CGI, and settings as well as to help explain the ways in which the director tried to stray away from the cultural inaccuracies and insensitivities of the 1992 version. 

Social History: 

Rachelbridgeshistoryblog. (2016, January 18). The cultural and social impact of Disney's aladdin. Rachel Bridges: History Blog. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will use this source to help deconstruct the the cultural and social impact of the 1992 version of Aladdin, including what was going on at the time like the Gulf War and how that affected the movie. 

Romano, A. (2019, May 24). The fraught cultural politics of Disney's New Aladdin remake. Vox. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will be using this source to help understand the cultural politics of the Aladdin remake, especially in analyzing the casting choices and the diversity and how they had to be careful with this movie because the Trump era of the time would affect the way the audience would normalize stereotypes and marginalizing the minority communities. 

Vdovychenko, N. (2020, November 20). 'let me show you the world': Aladdin and Disney's long-standing tradition of sexism. Diggit Magazine. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from

I will use this article to help explain the changes in the sexualization between the Jasmine in the 1992 version and the Jasmine in the 2019 version, and how their is significantly less of it in the new version because of this new Jasmine being seen as more of a feminist. 

Viswanath, J. (2019, May 23). Princess jasmine in the new 'aladdin' is as a feminist politician with a brand new solo track - listen. Bustle. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

I will use this article to help explain the changes in Jasmine from just wanting the freedom to marry who she wants in the 1992 version to not only that but also being able to become the sultan herself because she is portrayed as a feminist leader in the 2019 version. 

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