Thursday, September 8, 2022

Black Panther Casino scene analysis

    This is scene is in the opener of my clip and uses great angles to allow the viewer to feel including in what’s beyond these doors, essentially with this angle were getting to experience the casino for the first time just like our protagonist’s, this is done using several focal depth techniques and angles. The first one we see can be seen in blue, this is called “Long shot” this is bigger than the characters, but are still in the same space, as seen through the drawing working taller or higher up than our main cast. Next in orange we have “High” in the angel’s category, this is essentially when the camera is higher than our characters while also looking down at them, so we get a better view. Lastly, I will mention “Pov/subjective/”I”/eye camera” this is when the camera is a character as it moves along with our cast as the enter the casino for the first time. All these techniques are used to enhance the viewers experience and allow them to dive into the next scene.


Film Techniques for Black Panther Opening club scene   by Dante Henry, 9/8/22





special note: This sequence I will be analyzing starts at 42.07



the shot


A shot is an uninterrupted sequence of film/video bounded by edits. Note that camera and/or actors can move or zoom, and any elements below can change as that happens.






Opening sequence

Our protagonists are walking into the tunnel arriving at the casino 



medium shot (MS)

Waist up shot, as each of our characters enter through the tunnel to the club.





Camera slowly moves upward as the doors swing open.




Low contrast/High key

Lighting style used to convey dull lighting to the awaiting club lights




POV/subjective/” I”/eye camera

Camera is a character and move behind the characters as they enter the club





Slowly moving camera as the balcony is being looked over




close up (CU)

Face zoom is enhanced as our characters split up







In the casino

Our protagonists are in the casino and have split up and our antagonist arrive.



Jump cut

Instant cut to whoever is speaking into their headset at the time




On screen (Sound)

Emphasis on the liquid being poured in her glass as she notices her surroundings




High (angle)

As they call out the number of men it conveys, they can see them from the second floor with this angle




Eye level

This angle is used to show in relation to the T’Challa speaking with his old partner in a fiery moment




On screen (sound)

As trucks pull up outside, we hear loud engine revs, to convey a since of urgency.




Non-diagetic (sound)

As soon as our protagonist gets out the car, evil music starts up in the background.





Mid Ground (Plane) 

As she stares at the doorway, we get an angle from the casino table, showing all the casual things going on around here before more all hell breaks loose



  1. great work! an idea for a thesis is explain how the characters feelings were express through the sound track and camera angles because as you see each of the characters reactions to the things around them you see what others don't notice.

  2. Great Job! For a thesis you could use the camera angles to show the buildup of how each characters' emotions are until all hell breaks loose and use that to correlate to their decision-making skills made by the portrayal of those angles as well.
