Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Woman King Analysis: Battle Cry

 Scene Analysis

Hi everyone! I focused my scene analysis on The Woman King's battle cry/motivation speech scene. I am centering my scene analysis on the shot and lighting.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you decide to watch the film, it begins at 1:00:00 and ends around 1:23:00. 


  1. Hi Selah! You chose a very cool and serious scene from the movie. I also watched the Woman King and found this scene to be pretty powerful with much of its lighting and effects. You focused on lighting and how they shot this scene. I believe you chose those two segements to cover because it highlights what the film is trying to do. In this scene they are preparing for battle and the lighting gives it that intensity while they sing the battle cry with the shadows and dim lighting giving that effect. The shots taken throughout the scene is to show focus in different areas the girls dancing, the speech that is being given, and the emotion of the characters. Our eyes are constanting moving throughout this scene to take in what is happening in this moment. Your thesis I believe will cover these aspects of the film and what they were trying to accomplish when filming this scene. This is a thesis that I would suggest for you though I would like to see more data from this scene since a lot does happen in those first few moments. Exposure would have been another analysis you could do to see how much of the lighting effects this scene.

  2. Selah, I love the way you did this, so fun and creative! You did a great job at labeling and showcasing all the different shots within the clip. I wish you added a brief paragraph of what is going on in the scene not just the breakdown. Like what was the moment of the scene or what the lighting created and emotions it was trying to convey.

  3. Not going to lie I have watch the Women king and I can say that it is very cool and has so much power into them and the details that you have listed are also great in my own opinion the scene where she gets accused of a event that she didn't commit too was all time the best and also the long shot scenes was very powerful

  4. Hey Selah! I loved the way you followed the scenes of the movie with the data you had analyzed. I felt like the descriptions you provided were very open and helped viewers like me, who had never seen the movie, a good perspective on what to expect if were to watch this movie in the future. Can't wait to see your presentation!
