Monday, October 2, 2023

Heathers Adaptation Post

Heathers (1988)


Cateforis, T. (2003). Skinny Ties and Valley Girls: Gender, Genre and the 1980s Teen Movie. Cultural Capital and Cultural Memory among Mexican Migrants in the United States: The Performance of Corridos and Norteño Music among Migrants Martha Chew, 100.

Kościelski, K. Pastiche in the shadow of parody–a certain adventure of the American horror Films of the 1980s. 80s AGAIN!, 127.

social history

Heathers (1988) [Fact sheet]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2023, 


Daddona, V. (2014, April 10). Standing ovation: Winona Ryder in "Heathers." 

     Back Stage, National ed., 55(15), 48. Gale OneFile: Fine Arts. 



Heathers: The Musical (2022)


Mantoan, L. (2021). New Conventions for a New Generation: High School Musicals and Broadway in the 2010s. Theatre History Studies40, 189+.

“…musicals of the 2010s decenter the heterosexual romance at the heart of the teen films and golden age musicals that came before and productively embrace multiplicity and fluidity of identity as integral to building lasting community. They're also loads of fun.”

Bay-Cheng, S. (2007). Theatre Squared: Theatre History in the Age of Media. 
     Johns Hopkins University Press, 17. 

social history

Duca, L., & Marcus, S. (2014, March 31). Heathers The Musical Is Not Heathers 
     The Movie, But It's Still Pretty 'Very'. Retrieved October 1, 
     2023, from

“Co-writer writer Kevin Murphy said he aimed to open up "the themes of hope and optimism" with the Heathers story” 

Heathers: The musical. (2023, September 29). Wikipedia. Retrieved October 1, 
     2023, from

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