Thursday, September 19, 2024

Deadpool (2016) Analysis

 I've chosen to analyze the scene in Deadpool when Wade Wilson gets mutated. I chose the scene in particular because it stands out from the rest of the film which is more of a raunchy action comedy, but this scene takes a more serious tone. The scene's editing and focal depth make it so that the audience can almost feel what's happening to Wade. There is a big close up shot at 49:56 of Wade's face changing which allows the viewer to clearly read his pain, and gets more of an understanding of exactly what he's going through. You can hear him desperately gasping for air, and screaming as he's helpless to do anything. Pairing the different shots with the synchronous sound of the monitor beeping, match on action editing from 49:37 to 49:56 showing his different body parts be mutated, and the various sources of light from the lab being dimly let with "correct" exposure to it being set on fire makes this scene feel so much more real. All these elements together make for a great cinematic experience.


1 comment:

  1. I think an argument could be that since the film is mostly funny but we get this scene where we feel the pain of Wade, this changes how we think about Wade and his situation. Maybe we want Wade to kill the bad guys more but also we feel bad for him during this scene. This scene could also change the perspective of how we view the movie from that point.
