Sunday, September 15, 2024

The old guard


In this scene of the old guard Andy is fighting, and the camera angle if in kinda a medium long shot, with some guard trying to attack her as she fights back at an eye level angle. 



In this shot andy is firing a round a one of the guards and the lighting is kinda a front lit  as she shoots a shot and the fire from the front of the gun send a flame 


This part of the film the old guard the sound is diagetic, and on screen as she stabs the guy with the sword. The sound as she stabs him is simultaneously and synchronous, and it is very much external. 


In this part of the film the have the camera angle eye level as we see the back of her head but just her eyes in the mirror. The plane if somewhat back ground with the correct exposer. And the lins is at a wide angle. 


Angle - Birds Eye - the camera is looking down on the guards and Andy is getting ready to attack 

Space - on screen - everything is in the frame and she looks down on the guards and it’s a mix of open and closed 

Lens - wide angle - it’s kinda open as it showes the guards and the back of Andy’s head. 

Sound - is non diagetic - and there is music that is playing as it gets ready to start the action scene of Andy vs the guards. 

Exposer - correct - the exposer is good as the light is not too bright but not to dark either. 

Visible - jump cut - is is cutting back and forth with Andy and the guards and the get prepared to fight. 


  1. Through the analysis of this film, it is clear that the main argument is women empowerment, and strength. It is clear in the displayed scenes that the woman fighting the battle is strong, and very capable to defend herself. The way she is portrayed handling multiple guards at a time shows her ability to take on and beat more than one man. She also seems very calculated and intelligent through her attacks, which is adds to her overall character. She is smart, and capable, and it is clear that her strength is what the film is centered around.

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  3. With the film techniques that you mentioned, it seems like the filmmakers goal was to empower Andy and portray her as a strong woman. The way that the camera makes Andy look down upon the guards makes her appear the more powerful one in this scene. A lot of the camera shots seem to focus primarily on Andy, which forces the audience to put all our focus on her.

  4. In this i can tell the thesis of this is strong women and the camera work pulls it all together to make andy seem like a strong woman.

  5. With these techniques that are being used you can tell that they want her to look very powerful. You can base off these shots of how they want her to look like a strong female character to be a role model to woman. This is because they are making her the main focus so by doing that it really helps show her importance.
