Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Woman King Film Analysis- Andie Lozano-Lomeli


The Woman King Analysis

Andie Lozano-Lomeli

    From the start of the film, it is clear that feminism and strength is the primary message of the film. This is shown through the continuous strong portrayal of the women in the film. Through their clothing, their language, their unity, and the reaction and respect shown by other characters. I found that the  most impactful moment of the film, or the one I most resonated with was the scene where Nanisca tells Nawi she is her mother, and immediately after this scene the Dahomey women prepare for battle. This is significant, and done through a multitude of different camera angles, music, lighting, and many other filmmaking tactics. When the scene concluded, I was left in awe of the power and confidence of the women in the tribe. 

When Nanisca figures out, and tells Nawi what she did, Nawi is shocked and doesn’t confront

the situation. As she looks at her mother, you can see how her entire life is being questioned.
The movement of the camera from her hand, to her face, displays her reaction, and allows the
viewer to feel all the emotions as she does. The camera then moves to Naniscas face as she is
in disbelief, but at the same time, feels as though she knew all along. The warm lighting adds
to the scene, and the darkness creates a weary and uncomfortable tone. As the camera follows
Nawi to her lonely spot on the wall, it pans out to reveal just how alone she is in this scene. 
The close-up angle shows their true emotion.


The camera then abruptly switches to daylight as Nanisca is attempting to create a battle plan.

Nanisca then has the idea of utilizing gunpowder to annihilate the other tribes, which is a reflection
on her relationship with Nawi. 
Directly after this, the preparation begins, and the people are working to destroy their enemies.
The women are dancing, and singing, and hyping each other up. This goes back to the main theme
of power within the women in the story. The darkness, and warm lighting, adds to the overall theme.
The flashing between all the different women in the scene, creates a sense of unity, and makes the
viewer feel empowered. The songs they are singing and the instruments in the background alters
the vibe of the montage, as the viewer is confident in their ability to succeed. 



Additionally, the speech Nanisca is giving completely empowers the viewer to make them feel like
they are in the fight. I also feel like the placing of Nanisca in front of the king gives her power over
everyone in the scene, which foreshadows her becoming the woman king. The flash back to the women
in the scene dancing, and preparing for battle, creates absolute power, and a sense of togetherness
and womanhood. This also goes back to the strength of both Nanisca and Nawi, to overcome the
newfound truth, and focus on the fight and battle at hand. 



  1. I did this movie as well for my analysis, It was amazing I wonder how many men missed out on this movie because they couldn't get over a woman empowerment type of movie. In terms for your thesis though, I would argue how the film doesn't have to use the most beutifully percieved women for an empowerment film for women. Argue that it doesn't focus on the beauty of a woman but the other aspects of woman, for example, Niwa's suggestion that gunpowder doesn't need a gun to explode just a spark. They then go on to use it in battle against the rivals. They are a lot of momments in this film that overlook beauty and highlight, courage, intelligence and passion.

  2. I have done another comment about this movie already, and the scene and description you gave us furthers pushes my original ideas and thoughts of where this argument could go. I think that your argument can be something like woman just need a chance to show that they can be equal to or better than what a man can provide. Although I have not watched the movie, both analysis I have read gives me the feeling that as the movie goes on, the fights and drive of the woman get stronger and that can relate to the fact that woman slowly started to get more chances as time moved on.

  3. I have seen some of this movie. From the parts that I did see I think that close ups were a main aspect of the film. The close ups allowed the viewer to feel and understand what the speaker at the time was trying to convey.

  4. I haven't seen the Woman King, although it reminds me of Black Panther if all the characters were female, but as you said I also believe the thesis, or theme of this film is feminism and women's strength. The different shots you included definitely make me think that the speech and battle planning scenes were extremely intense. This movie definitely shines a light on the aspects of woman that some people don't always see like strength, furiousness, etc.
