Monday, September 28, 2015

Adaptation Sources: Psycho/ Bates Motel

IMDb. (n.d.).
The website describes the main plot of the story as well as a list of actirs who starred in the movie. Psycho is about a woman(Marion Crane) who steals $40,000 from her employer and seeks out her lover. While driving to meet him the woman gets lost and decides to stay the night the Bares motel. In the end the woman has a deadly encounter with Borman Bates, who appears to be dominated by his mother. 
Jones, M. (2010, January 17). The mother of all horror films. Newsweek, 155(3).
Jones explains that while Psychiatrist would get the story line form Norman's mother, instead of from Norman himself. It appears that Norman can easily be categorized as a serial killer because of his relationship with his mother. Jones explains that some people may be more willing to actually watch the movie, because of the public opinion that this movie is a good one. Jones struggles to understand why after so many years, Psycho is still a favorite horror movie for many people. Psycho was the first of its kind and set many precedents for the movies to follow. Unlike any other film the star got murdered early in the movie and owners of theaters were advised to shut the doors, so that everyone would be surprised and so no one would walk in late. Psycho showed us a true dark heart and random violence that is sometimes hard to understand. 
Kendrick, J. (2010). Disturbing New pathways: Psycho and the Priming of the Audience. Journal of Popular Film & Television, 38(1), 2-9.
This article explores the narrative and visual aspects of the movie Psycho. The author also takes notice of the era of classical Hollywood and how Psycho was shaped by this. It is also stated that Psycho helped paved way for future films in all areas. 
Scharf, L. (2013). Resurrecting Psycho: Bates Motel. Entertainment Weekly, (1258).
This article explains the different aspects of the young Norman Bates and the moder style the show takes on. Norman is described to look normal and dresses like a 'timeless-American collegiate. It is also stated that the wardrobe is based off of 1950's  styles.
Tanenhaus, S. (2012). The Psycho Genius of Hollywood. Newsweek, 160(22/23), 48-53.
This article focuses more on the Director of the Psycho film and how he was one of the best directors. It has also come to light that he is now more famous even long after his death. Hitchcock was known for his work vs perfection aspect of his films. Not only was Hitchcock a geneius in film making, he also knew how to vividly portray something to his audience. Another conversation about Hitchcock revolves around his realtionship with women and how that leaked into his film making. 
Weaver, III. (91). Are "Slasher" horror films sexually violent? A content analysis. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 35(3).
Weaver explains the fascination that young people have with Slasher films and why they were so popular. It is explained o the reader that most Slasher films are exactly alike in the aspect that they have attractive young people getting killed. Some argue that both men and women are equally victimized and others think women are more victimized. 

1 comment:

  1. Seems okay, but you may need more on the slasher film genre in genre and/or history stuff, likely gender stuff, mostly. You may have all of that already in these articles. Hard to tell.
