Monday, September 28, 2015

Annotated Bibliography: Star Trek


1) Genre 
Abrams, J. J. (Director). (2009). Star Trek [Motion picture]. Hollywood.
A retelling of the origins of James Kirk and how he became captain of the Star Ship Enterprise.  Kirk fights against a Romulan seeking revenge against Spock for the destruction of his home planet. This movie reimagines the original Star Trek cast of characters in a new timeline.

Abrams, J. J. (Director). (2013). Star Trek into Darkness [Motion picture]. Hollywood.
This movie reimagines the original Star Trek movie The Wrath of Kahn with all new plot twists.  Kirk and Spock fight against Kahn, the most powerful adversary they ever face.

Ammon, L. (2014). Where We have Gone Before: Star Trek Into and Out of Darkness. Implicit Religion, 17(4), 379-393.
This essay looks at Star Trek Into Darkness in terms of a post 9/11 world.  Specifically, it focuses on what the movie says about terrorism in today's society.  It also looks at this secular movie from a religious point of view by asking what Star Trek says about what it means to be human.  It shows how Star Trek takes political and scientific concepts to say something about what we will value in the future as well as the present. 

2) Social History  
Bernardi, D. (1994). Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations: Diegetic Logics and Racial Articulations in the Original Star Trek. Film & History, 24(1/2), 60-74.
This article discusses the diversity and racial commentary in Star Trek the original series.  With a diverse cast of actors, the original series was challenging previous norms in television.  The articles talks about how the show also used aliens to shed light on racist issues of the time.

Roddenberry, G. (Director). (2009). Star Trek the Original Series [Motion picture]. Hollywood.
The Original Series of Star Trek was first aired in 1966.  It is set in the 23rd century and follows the travels of a star ship and her crew as they explore the galaxy. 

Sarantakes, N. E. (2005). Cold War Pop Culture and the Image of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Perspective of the Original Star Trek Series. Journal of Cold War Studies, 7(4), 74-103.

This article shows how the political issues revolving around the Cold War and U.S. foreign policies influenced Star Trek the original series.  It talks about the ways in which the writers of the original series used the show to provide commentary on U.S foreign policy.  The writer of the article argues that Star Trek painted the U.S. as being a positive, progressive force, while at the same time critiquing its foreign policy and suggesting more constructive policies. 

1 comment:

  1. OK, so are you doing Into Darkness as a remake of Wrath of Khan? You need to make sure you are doing adaptations, not sequels. But this is probably okay, although you need more on either the 60s (the original episode with Khan) or the 80s (the movie).
