Social History
"Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku." N.p., n.d. Web.
This dragon ball was released December 12th, 1990. The Dragon ball saga usually is in cartoon, but this is the first time they decided to use real actors and shoot a science fiction movie. It was directed by Wang Ryang and produced by Ahn Hyun-Sik. The blog states the differences between the cartoon and the 1990's movie.
This URL is a glimpse of the cartoon version of dragon ball. Some differences are made simply because of the animated features that are in it. For example Goku catches a big fish with his tail in the animated series, but in the 1990 version he catches a regular sized fish by screaming loudly.
"Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku." N.p., n.d. Web.
Dragon ball Evolution is basically the remastered version of the non-animated series. It was released in 2009 so we're talking about almost a 20 year difference between the 2 movies. This version has more technology. And is in English unlike the 1990 version which is in Japanese and has English subtitles.
History stuff?? This is too simple so far. More needed on manga and anime in general, as well.