Monday, October 5, 2015

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory semiotic data

-In the 1971 movie, Willy Wonka's background was one of the main mysteries of the book, in which we never really had an understanding, or an assurance of where he came from, or even if he was mortal 
-In this way, the 1971 movie keeps the mystery and "inconquerability" of Willy Wonka alive, and how nobody could ever take away his chocolate factory from him.

-In the 1971 movie, Willy Wonka is supposed to be an older man, who somewhat seemed to be from the far far past, and knew way more than the average person. 

2005 version fills in information that is never alluded to in the book (i.e. Willy Wonka's childhood and his estrangement, and later reconciliation, with his father).

the 2005 version makes him far more vulnerable than he was ever written, reviewing his flaws and showing how nobody, even him, is perfect

Johnny Depp does not quite carry this off in the 2005 movie, for he is what looks to be a very young, kept up with man, who is of the same era. 


  1. I agree with your points, those are all large differences between both of the movies. The only thing I would recommend, would be to add more points, and to try and find more of the differences within the films.

  2. It is very clear that the two films are different, but maybe you could focus more on the different time periods the films were made. It would be easy to just go through the facts and point out the differences between the two films, but I think their could be a deeper meaning behind the changes. Why is the "New" Willy Wonka young? Why did they make him seem like a child? Can this correlate with the new era that we are in?
