Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Monstress Ch. 2

Panel Transition
Word images
The transition to the next panel with Atena talking about the approaching screams
Bold lines of characters make for a sense of them knowing of their impending dome
Word Specific
Subject to subject
Transition determines speed, there is no movement within the panel
Very dark lines making for an ominous feel of the characters knowing their fate
Moment to moment
Look at the difference in size between panels 2 and 3
Bold dark lines occur on the characters making for more suspense to be drawn
Subject to subject
Panel spans from one side to the other of the page showing a long pause
Thick and straight lines on the inquistrix and guard locked in on one another while Atena is smooth as if she is pleading for mercy
Moment to moment
Panel happens in a shorter amount of time comparing it to the size of panel 4
Lines having depth and sharpness to them as if the characters are sizing up one another (who has the sharper lines)
Subject to subject
Same speed as panel 5 in relation to the size of the two panels
Very sharp and bold lines showing the seriousness of the situation
Word specific
Action to action
Length of the panel shows that some time passes in it
The curved lines on the inquistrix imitate movement showing that she is moving around the room taking out the guards
Moment to moment
Transition from panel 1 to 2 shows that it is shorter
Thick and dark lines mixed with curved and bending lines, show movement and elegance and the inquistrix takes down the guards
Action to action
Transition from panels help shows time due to what happens to the guards in each panel
Lines are sporadic to show the goriness of the scene as the guards heads fall off
Subject to subject
Size of panel begins to shrink
The lines are much thinner on Atena and the inquisitrix showing that they not as on edge but on a level of conversation
Word specific
Subject to subject
Same size as the panel before making it about the same speed/time
Use of curved lines as well as sharp lines of the face show the character sweating and becoming nervous
Subject to subject
Transition between panels, like seconds in a conversation
Very fine lines that help show how stern and abrupt she is with her interrogation of Atena
Subject to subject
Same as panel 6, very short like seconds in a conversation
Very precise lines to show the importance of the character and her reaction

Page 1

Panel 1
Abstraction- 4
Panel Transition- N/a
Time/speed- In transition to the next panel after reading what Atena said of the screams getting closer to them
Line- The bold lines making up the characters in the room gives a since of the characters almost like stone anticipating their demise by the inquisitrixes
Word images- Word specific
Panel 2
            Abstraction- 3.5
Panel Transition- Subject to subject
Time/speed- Transition determines speed, no movement is found within panel
Line- Very dark and bold outlines of characters within panel, almost in anticipation to their fate to come
Word images- Additive
Panel 3
Abstraction- 3
Panel Transition- moment to moment
Time/speed- the transition from panel 2 to 3 shows the time as panel 3 is larger than panel 2
Line- Bold dark outlines the characters are still used, although they seem to have grown making for more suspense on what it next
Word images- Additive
Panel 4
Abstraction- 4
Panel Transition- subject to subject
Time/speed- Due to the panel spanning from one side of the page to the other, there is a sense of shock as Atena swivels her body around to see the inquisitirx waiting at the top of the staircase to determine their fate
Line- the lines around the inquistirx and cumea guard are thick and straight while Atena’s is soft and smooth as though she is about to plead her case instead of fight like the others drawn
Word images- interdependent
Panel 5
Abstraction- 4
Panel Transition- moment to moment
Time/speed- The transition from panels 4 to 5 as well as the size of the panels determines that the panel happens in a shorter amount of time where the guard has just enough time to draw her weapon
Line- Both the lines on the guard as well as the inquistrix are almost exactly the same both being straight as well as having depth to them as if they are sizing up one another (Who is sharply drawn)
Word images- Additive
Panel 6
Abstraction- 2.5
Panel Transition- subject to subject
Time/speed- Same speed as the panel before due to the equal sizes of the panels
Line- Very sharp and bold lines on the face of the inquistrix showing the seriousness of the situation and what is about to happen (death)
Word images- word specific

Page 2

Panel 1
Abstraction- 3.5
Panel Transition- Action to action
Time/speed- Looking at the length of the panel it looks like the action might of taken some time to achieve
Line- The lines are curved on the inquistrix as to imitate movement, making the killing of the guards look almost as if it was easy
Word images- montage
Panel 2
            Abstraction- 4
Panel Transition- Moment to moment
Time/speed- Based on the transition from panel 1 to 2 it seems to be shorter
Line- Thick dark outlines of the characters in the panel as well as fluid lines with curves showing movement
Word images- Parallel
Panel 3
Abstraction- 4
Panel Transition- action to action
Time/speed- Transition shows the speed and time due to what happens to the guards in the background
Line- Lines are more sporadic showing the gory and bloody part of the decapitations in the background
Word images- Parallel
Panel 4
Abstraction- 3
Panel Transition- Subject to subject
Time/speed- Size of the panel as well as the transition between panels 3 to 4
Line- The lines are much thinner around the characters showing that the characters are not on edge anymore but in a conversation with one another
Word images- Word specific
Panel 5
Abstraction- 2.5
Panel Transition- subject to subject
Time/speed- Size of the panel compared to the one before it #4
Line- Use of curved lines help depict the character sweating making the panel show that the character is in a pretty bad predicament
Word images- Additive
Panel 6
Abstraction- 2
Panel Transition- Subject to subject
Time/speed- Transition between panels
Line- Very precise lines of the character showing that the character holds power and is important
Word images- interdependent
Panel 7
Abstraction- 2
Panel Transition- subject to subject
Time/speed- Same as the transition for panel 6
Line- Very precise lines to show the importance of the character and her reaction
Word images- interdependent 

1 comment:

  1. Based on your analysis, you can argue that the lines on the faces of the characters make the females seem vulnerable and helpless thus opposing this comic book's portrayal of woman. The way you described the lines of Atena pleading for mercy is the way most comic books portray women as the damsel in distress, but this comic also shows women in a strong nature so you have a counterargument.
