Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Monstress- Ch. 4: Kippa offers Maika carrots, Madi Bradley

Panel 1: 

Abstraction: 3.5
Time/Speed: With the largest sized panel on this page, we can assume time is going by rather slowly in comparison to the other panels. She's in deep thought more so than listening to what Kippa has to say about her arm.
Lines: Maika's knuckles seem flexed, stiff, and sharp. Thus depicting anxiety, fear, and uncertainty within herself.
Words/Images: Additive (word bubbles) We wouldn't assume it hurt since she's clawing at it, and she doesn't appear to be looking at it the way Kippa says she is. Duo Specific (word boxes) both the image and her internal thought boxes seem to be relaying the same message.
Transitions: From panel 0-1: None

Panel 2: 

Abstraction: 5
Time/Speed: Time is moving rather quickly here. Responses are fast paced and fear is in the air.
Lines: Lines get sharper, stiffer, and fear is rising, especially in Kippa. notice the quiver lines around the stick she appears to be digging with; this allows us to assume that maybe her hand is even shaking.
Words/Images: Additive. Without the words, we would otherwise not know that they are discussing Maika's hunger.
Transitions: 1-2: Moment to moment
Panel 3: 

Time/Speed: Time begins to slow down a little more here so as to emphasize that Kippa may have found. temporary solution to Maika's hunger.
Lines: Line-work appears a bit more whimsical and soft here, possibly due to the relieved/happy look Kippa has now that she found carrots. 
Words/Images: Word Specific
Transitions: 2-3: Moment to moment

Panel 4: 

Abstraction: 4
Time/Speed: Time stays moving at the same pace as the last panel so as to emphasize that Kippa has not only found carrots, but wild garlic as well.
Lines: Softer lines here. Hair smoothes, facial expression softens, etc. it seems as though with each food item she finds, she begins to look more and more relaxed, hence the continuous smoothing of lines.
Words/Images: Word specific. Without the text, we wouldn't be aware of Kippa's mothers teachings. However, we would be able to infer that she has found the garlic in addition to the carrots.
Transitions: 3-4: Moment to moment

Panel 5: 

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time quickens here. The panel size decreases, and Maika doesn't even finish her sentence.
Lines: Sleek, sharp, and smooth lines help to accentuate that she is deep in thought. 
Words/Images: Additive. Without the words, we, as an audience, would be unable to infer that she is speaking of her mother.
Transitions: 4-5: Subject to subject

Panel 6: 

Abstraction: 4.5
Time/Speed: Time slows again as she changes the subject from her mother, back to the carrots.
Lines: Smoother and softer lines here as she extends her hand towards Kippa. Upward curve of the lips, maybe indicating a slight smile? (little hard to tell) 
Words/Images: Duo- Specific. Both words and image are relaying essentially the same overall message.
Transitions: 5-6: Moment to moment

PAGE 2: 

Panel 1:

Abstraction: 4.5
Time/Speed: Time has sped up drastically. Panels have decreased heavily in size, retracting to tall skinny slivers instead of squared boxes. Tension is rising. 
Lines: As Kippa is releasing the carrots, the smooth white lines following the carrots indicate that she quickly followed Maika's orders. The vertical black lines indicate a quick, deliberate overhand motion. 
Words/Images: None
Transitions: 6-1: Action to action

Panel 2: 

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time yet again quickens and it seems as though time becomes of the essence.
Lines: Smooth lines in hair, become much more jagged around the face. Gives off a vibe of anxiety and fear.
Words/Images: None
Transitions: 1-2: Moment to moment

Panel 3: 

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: Time lengthens again, only slightly. The size of the frame and the look in her eye portray that something is about. to. go. down. 
Lines: Sharp lines appear to be drawn with haste, so as to make her appear scared. Succinct drop of her eyebrow further indicates this immense fear.
Words/Images: None
Transitions: 2-3: Moment to moment

Panel 4: 

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time lengthens and slows drastically in comparison to our last panel. This is the largest panel thus far, allowing us to infer that her "stump" is being engulfed by her "inner monster" at a decent rate of speed.
Lines: Lines of her shredded clothing show us just how powerful her inner monster is as it nearly shoots out of her shoulder. What appears to be black smeared droplets help to portray the evil that is escaping out of her. 
Words/Images: Montage
Transitions: 3-4: Moment to moment

 PAGE 3: 

Panel 1: 

Abstraction: 3.5
Time/Speed: Time moves rather quickly throughout this panel as tension rises and time speeds. With the master unleashing from Maika and the scream from Kippa, we can assume she didn't have much time to react. 
Lines: The smooth lines of Kippa in relation to the sharp, stiff, and rough lines of Maika's monster help to depict the absolute fear Kippa must be experiencing. 
Words/Images: Montage
Transitions: 4-1: Subject to subject

Panel 2:

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time slows in comparison to panel 1, however, speed seems to stay the same, if not, quickens. 
Lines: What looks like the arm is surprisingly almost as smooth as the lines of her hair. However, they stiffen/sharpen drastically in reaching her hand and fingertips. Thus showing the readers that Kippa is rightfully fearful. The thick black splatters surrounding her, in my opinion, are what truly give the overall image its affect. 
Words/Images: Word Specific
Transitions: 1-2: Moment to moment.

Panel 3:

Abstraction: 2
Time/Speed: Time stays generally the same in comparison to the last panel, however, we can assume Maika is moving rather quickly due to the white brush strokes illustrating the quick motion from her hand to her knife. 
Lines: As I touched on above, the white brush stroke helps us to assume that she's moving rather quickly. The lines making up her hand are short and tight, allowing us to assume that she is gripping her knife in such a way where we can assume she is fearful of herself as well. 
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions: 2-3: Moment to moment

Panel 4:

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: The time frame seems to be about the same length as panel 3, however, speed obviously quickens into a race against time. The long and curved white brush stroke again helps to illustrate this for us. 
Lines: Lines stiffen drastically, and the lines that make up her arm and hand bolden into a thick, strong, and jagged look. This really helps to illuminate the fact that it truly is a fearful situation. Notice the texture of the Maika's inner monster's fingertips. At this point in the page, this is the closest the readers have been to the monster, seeing as though the hand is successfully leaving the panel and seemingly attempting to leave the page entirely. 
Words/Images: The "monster's" speech bubble: Additive / Maika's speech bubble: Duo Specific
Transitions: 3-4: Moment to moment

Panel 5:

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: Time quickens in comparison to panel 4, and speed again quickens into what seems like a true life or death situation. To me, this seems like the peak of the page time/speed wise. 
Lines: Lines thin in comparison to the last panel, but stay consistently sharp and stiff. The lines surrounding the monster surprisingly stay relatively smooth looking considering the circumstances. I did notice that we are beginning to lose that texture in the hand that was so clear in the last panel.
Words/Images: Montage and Additive
Transitions: 4-5: Action to action

Panel 6:

Abstraction: 3.5
Time/Speed: Although time begins to slow again, I would argue that speed stays about the same. Especially considering the black splatters can't even catch up to the rest of the hand, allowing me to infer that only a quick/sudden jerk could make the spatters drip horizontally like that. 
Lines: Lines smooth only slightly in comparison to the other images of the masters hand. In regards to stiffness, not much changes between this picture and the last. The claws stay flexed in such a way where the hand is literally reaching and clawing at Kippa.
Words/Images: The monsters speech bubble: Additive / Maika's speech bubble: Picture specific
Transitions: 5-6: Moment to moment

 PAGE 4:

Panel 1: 

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: The time frame, with a doubt, lengthens and the speed at which the monster arm is reaching for Kippa definitely increases. Again, the horizontal black splatters help us to perceive it this way. 
Lines: While the lines of Maika's hair stay smooth, the lines of the monster hand only continue to look more and more jagged with each passing panel. As we can see, the arm is no longer perfectly and tightly coiled. Instead, its loosening, giving us the idea that she really is beginning to lose control of herself. 
Words/Images: Picture Specific
Transitions: 6-1: Moment to moment

Panel 2: 

Abstraction: 3.5
Time/Speed: Time slows, and even speed finally seems to have taken a slower turn, seeing as though the drip marks aren't as horizontal as they once were. This seems to be a pause as Kippa pleads the goddess. 
Lines: While the lines of the hand stay sharp and strong, the lines surrounding and making up Kippa soften, helping to portray her innocence. 
Words/Images: Picture specific
Transitions: 1-2:Moment to moment

Panel 3: 

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time as well as speed stay relatively the same in comparison to panel 2. 
Lines: Lines multiply by the dozens when it comes to the detail in Kippas hair. The bold outline giving her shirt its shape stays curved and smoothed, continuing to portray her innocence as she incessantly pleads. 
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions:  2-3: Moment to moment 

Panel 4: 

Abstraction: Maika: 3, Kippa: 3.5
Time/Speed: Time as well as speed quicken drastically
Lines: Lines surrounding kippa stay bold while Maika's stay thin, yet jagged and strong. 
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions: 3-4:Moment to moment

Panel 5: 

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: In comparison to the last panel, both time and speed seem to stay the same
Lines: The texture of the claw appears at the forefront of the panel yet again, the lines on her face give the affect of a stern/concerned stare at her inner monster
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions: 4-5: Moment to moment

Panel 6: 

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: Time and speed slow down drastically so as to indicate almost a slight pause
Lines: The lines on her face make her appear worn and rugged, the bold black outline of her jaw/chin bring a strong presence to the page in contrast to the swift lines that make up her hair.
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions: 5-6: Moment to moment

PAGE 5: 

Panel 1:

Abstraction: 3
Time/Speed: Time as well as speed slow down heavily, seeing as though this is the longest the panel can be whilst still staying on the width of the page
Lines: Lines darken, and the amount of texture visible increases. Line work when it comes to the monster stays bold and thick as well as stiff and rugged.
Words/Images: Word specific
Transitions: 6-1: Subject to subject 

Panel 2:

Abstraction: 2.5
Time/Speed: Time and speed quicken drastically
Lines: Lines multiply to add detail to her facial expression while the outline of her jaw stays bold and jagged.
Words/Images: Additive
Transitions: 1-2: Subject to subject


  1. I would probably argue that some of the illustrations have more details than you gave them credit for in the abstraction. Two examples are panel 2 and 9. Other than that, good job!

    1. Yeah the abstraction was tough, haha. Thank you Carly!

  2. I agree with you and you really know what you are talking about but i think that panel 2 has a little more detail then a 5.

    1. after taking another look at it, I think you are absolutely right! thank you for your input Karina. (:
