Monday, September 4, 2017

Monstress Ch.4: Maika tries to devour Kippa by Montrell Wiley

  • Panel 1 
  • Abstraction - 3 
  • Time/Speed - Very small panel indicating a sudden and short time frame 
  • Lines  The lines on Kippa are sharp, giving off a frantic/frightened mood 
  • Words/Images - Montage 
  • Transitions  From panel 0-1: none 
  • Panel 2 
  • Abstraction  2.5 
  • Time/Speed -  Speed in transition, no motion involved
  • Lines  The lines are twisted and dark, showing how corrupted Maika's arm really is. It contrasts well with her appearance, and it makes it obvious that it is an entirely different entity in itself and that she has little to no control over it. 
  • Words/Images - Picture Specific 
  • Transitions  From panel 1-2: Subject to Subject 
  • Panel 3 
  • Abstraction  2.5 
  • Time/Speed - Quick movement from Maika indicated from the swift white line
  • Lines  Shows frayed lines on Maika's wincing face, giving off very distraught vibes and shows her concern for what's happening to her   
  • Words/Images - Picture Specific 
  • Transitions  From panel 2-3: Moment to Moment 
  • Panel 4 
  • Abstraction  2.5 
  • Time/Speed - The timing and speed of her actions are very quick, given from the sharp white line shown and how small the panel is 
  • Lines  Straight sharp lines, makes Maika look determined 
  • Words/Images - Interdependent 
  • Transitions  From panel 3-4: Action to Action  
  • Panel 5 
  • Abstraction - 3 
  • Time/Speed - Small panel represents quick action 
  • Lines – Extremely narrow and dark lines, representing swift action and danger
  • Words/Images - Picture Specific 
  • Transitions – From panel 4-5: Action to Action 
  • Panel 6 
  • Abstraction  3 
  • Time/Speed -  The arm swiftly moves after being struck by Maika's sword, making a fast transition of time
  • Lines -  Sharp and narrow lines show how fast and vicious Maika's arm is
  • Words/Images - Interdependent
  • Transitions – From panel 5-6: Subject to Subject 

  • Panel 7 
  • Abstraction  3 
  • Time/Speed - The panel is a bit large, indicating how long it is taking for the arm to reach Kippa
  • Lines - Straight edge lines and blobs of black slime of sorts give the impression that Kippa is in grave danger. I interpret the blobs as being the possible blood to be spilt.
  • Words/Images - Interdependent
  • Transitions – From panel 6-7: Moment to Moment
  • Panel 8 
  • Abstraction  3 
  • Time/Speed - The panel is a bit shorter letting the reader know how close the claw is from reaching Kippa  
  • Lines -  The lines on Maika's hand are jagged and dark giving off hostility. Kippa has shaky lines giving off frailty.
  • Words/Images - Interdependent  
  • Transitions – From panel 7-8: Moment to Moment
  • Panel 9 
  • Abstraction  3 
  • Time/Speed - The panel is small and everything is still, giving a sense of a sudden halt  
  • Lines - The lines are no longer spread out or traveling and have come to a stop. This is because the hand stopped creeping toward Kippa, giving a sense of a stalemate
  • Words/Images - Interdependent  
  • Transitions – From panel 8-9: Moment to Moment
  • Panel 10 
  • Abstraction  3.5 
  • Time/Speed - Speed in transition, no motion involved  
  • Lines - The lines on Maika give away how much of a toll this encounter has taken on her, making her look exhausted 
  • Words/Images - Interdependent
  • Transitions – From panel 9-10: Action to Action
  • Panel 11 
  • Abstraction  2.5 
  • Time/Speed - Speed in transition, no motion involved  
  • Lines - The lines here give the same mood of the previous panel of making Maika seem exhausted, but also gives her a look of determination
  • Words/Images - Interdependent  
  • Transitions – From panel 10-11: Subject to Subject 
  • Panel 12 
  • Abstraction  2 
  • Time/Speed - Speed in transition, no motion involved  
  • Lines  The lines are very straight edge and detailed, really giving off Maika's bravery 
  • Words/Images - Interdependent  
  • Transitions – From panel 11-12: Moment to Moment


  1. Comparing the transitions to the story here (as though it were a play, film, or novel), we see that a great deal of ACTION is occurring, but the transitions are more moment to moment than anything else. Could this mean that the artist and writer are trying to indicate that the true tension in these pages is not the physical threat, but something in the theatre of the mind?

  2. The action is fast paced and seems to leap off the page, quite literally in the case of panel 4. Is the intention of this panel break intended to draw the reader in. Considering the arm is reaching for the audience and then towards Kippa, does this panel link the two? Is the audience supposed to feel sympathetic with or identify with Kippa in this instance? Is Kippa a stand in for the reader, being new to this world (much like the reader) and reacting rather than participating in the action?

  3. In panels 1,6,7,8,9,10, notice how light Kippa is lighter in color compared to Maika and the arm. Along with Kippa's lines being thin, her coloring shows how innocent is. Kippa is the lightest in color, then Maika who has lived longer than Kippa and has seen more horrible things, then the arm is the darkest representing evil.
