Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Green Island

McCloud Table
Analysis of MFTIM
In the first picture illustration shown, the mom is a 3.4ish
At first the mom isn’t given much character because the artist wants us to focus on the features of Karen from the previous pages until the importance shifts to her mom’s eye. The way the details are drawn out help to see what is needing focus.
The close up of the moms face is a 3.7
At this point the focus shifts from Karen crawling in her mom’s bed, to the her explanation of her mothers heritage and is a shift to what Karen sees on her mom’s face. We aren’t quite yet aware of what Karen sees in the eye, but we see what Karen admires, which is her mothers sweetly illustrated face. We can see wrinkles/bags in/under her eyes and get a glimpse of that ashy grey she is explaining she gets from her heritage.
The closer up to the eye on the bottom of the page shifts to a 4
The detail shifts from the overall view to the eye itself. To the true purpose of Karens admiration of her mother’s eyes. We see Karen swimming to the green island in more detail because that is what is important in this moment. Here she explains that she has this green patch, so the detail is focused on that.
When we dive further into Karen’s daydream, the detail of the shifts to a 4.5 while Karen remains 3.7
This shift make the daydream Karen is having seem more real to the reader as well as to Karen. It is very realistic, but we can definitely still tell it is a sketch. The reality of it goes along with what Karen says about it. It brings a sense of calmness and a sense of reality to her chaotic world.
Panel Transitions
The scene from laying in bed to the close up to the mothers face is subject-to-subject
Our first focus is on Karen snuggling with her mom after a nightmare, and it then switches to the close up of her face/ Two separate things we are to focus on.
The rest of the transitions are moment-to-moment
We go from seeing the big picture to seeing it in more and more detail as we get closer and as she deepens her explanation.
Inside panel 4 is fast
We can see the wake that Karen is creating while swimming to the green island looks kind of fast and more behind her.
Inside Panel 5 is slower
We can see that the wake she created is slowing down and more spread out around her, she has slowed in this panel.
Between panels character level (panels 4 and 5) is slowing down.
Between these panels we can see that she is going faster and then slowing as she nears her destination. We can sense this in the closeness of the eye as well. The time between seems to be slowing as the eye gets closer.
Between panels scene level (1 and 3, 3and 4) is fast
Between these scenes the speed seems to be a fast. We go from a far away picture of two faces to a very close up of the one face. As well as the full face to the close up of the eye with the addition of Karen.
In all of the panels the lines are “warm and gentle” and “honest and direct”
The lines are of “personal expression” and have a sense of calmness to them. The lines on both characters and in the scene around them are all the same smooth lines that create the scratchy looking sketches. That is what creates the personal expression which fits the story being told across these panels.
Panel 1 is Word
The picture could disappear because Karen is just giving us an explanation of M.O.B. We don’t really need the image of her laying with her mother to make sense of it.
Panels 2 and 3 are Interdependent
I would say they are duo because the words are the description of the picture. The arrow implies this as well. They need to be next to each other to make sense. Even though I see the words as a separate panel, they are both needed to make sense.
Panels 4 and 5 I believe could be both Duo and Interdependent
It could be Duo because the words and pictures are the same ideas, just provide a more in depth description, which is the interdependent part. One needs the other to make that deeper description to make more sense.

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