Tuesday, September 10, 2019

On a Sunbeam Analysis pg. 337

5:  There is not any shading in this panel. Also, the lines are very soft and thin. 
1 to 2 Scene to Scene: In the first panel the characters are looking out the window. In the second panel the camera changes and shows us that the chapter has ended and a new scene is beginning.
In this panel we can tell that time has been elongated because of how much space it takes on the page. We get a sense that the characters are taking a moment while looking out the ship.
The line work in this panel shows us that the characters are still and that there isn’t much happening as they look outside to the mountains. 
4: The shading in the second panel is simple and shows the reader that there is depth in the scene. Additionally, there isn’t much detail since the camera is far away.
2 to 3 Scene to Scene: As chapter 15 ends we begin to see a new scene, in which Alma and Jules are going through dialogue.
In this panel it is made very clear that time has been stretched since the panel takes up a majority of the page. We can also see that time has been stretched since we can tell how long the ships smoke trail is.
The lines in this panel are very smooth, from the lines on the mountains to the shape of the clouds and smoke we can tell that the scene is calm.
In the panel the text tells us that chapter 15 is beginning.
4.5: In this panel there is very minimal amount of shading, mainly we can tell that they are besides the window from panel 1.
3 to 4 Action to Action: In these panels we see two of the characters engaging in dialogue, Alma is telling Jules to put on more layers of clothing. In the second scene the camera is zoomed in to emphasize that she’s being serious about Jules putting on more clothing.
The panel is quicker than the rest on this page. It shows us how urgent it is for Jules to put on more layers of clothing.
The lines in this scene are soft, this show us that there is movement in the scene.
The words in the panel emphasize an importance of The Staircase they are arriving to.  
4.5: The shading is very simple in this panel. We can only tell that they are standing by the window from panel one due to the angel of light and shading in the background.
Time in this panel is quick because of Alma’s urgency for Jules to put on more clothes because of sharp dust.
The lines are soft and smooth and give us a sense of depth and perception of where they are in the ship.
The words in this panel tell us that the environment is harsh and that everyone needs to be prepared and have proper clothing on for the environment they are going to be in.


  1. I like your comment on the words in panel 4 about how the words stress the seriousness of what they're about to go in to. I think you could make a thesis about how being adequately prepared or even over preparing for an unknown situation can be useful because it sets your expectations high and even if things don't turn out the way you think they might then at least you brought your best to the table.

  2. Maybe pay attention to the dynamic between the scene to scene transition at the chapter change. It almost look like calm and collected to a tense beginning. This can bring an interesting arguement for the change in her enviroments between then and now.

  3. The first panel is like "The calm before the storm". You can maybe talk about the transitions how they build you up for something to come.
