Tuesday, September 10, 2019

On A Sunbeam comic analysis

Pg. 297

Abstraction level

I would give this a 4.5 just because there isn’t any shading and facial features are really plain and simple not really defined.

The lines on Ms. Martinez face and Mia are warm and gentle but if you look out the window you may see some that are savage and deadly maybe to describe the conditions outside.

Moment to moment

Since this is the longest panel I think this would be a slower panel just because Ms. Martinez is listening to Mia and thinking of how to respond.
Word- Image relationship

Words used are vulgar and out of frustration and they match how Mia is feeling considered her head is down and covered in her arms.
4.5 as well same thing  just not a lot of definition on faces or shading.
The lines in this panel all happen to be dynamic and changing I would say because Mia’s mood changes and she thinks she will have to go back home.
Moment to moment
The words are sad matching the sad look on Mia’s face as she peeks up from behind her arm.
4.8 really simple basic profile of her face. And the glasses are shown by only a few lines.
This panel I would say would be warm and gentle because Ms. Martinez is thinking of a way to help Mia.
Moment to moment
Slow only because it’s no words and she is thinking of a way to help.
No dialogue in this picture as Ms. Martinez just stares out the window.
4.8 same picture since its still in the same moment.
Warm and gentle but also dynamic and changing because she is about to try and help Mia and possibly change things for her.
3-4 Moment to moment
Ms. Martinez is looking out the window as she offers an idea to Mia that could help as she is like still unsure.
4. still no shading but tiny details and lines that outline the features of her face not really realistic at all
The lines on Mia’s face are warm and gentle but on the window the lines are strong and dynamic I guess to give the texture of reflection.
4-5 Moment to moment
Mia Looks at Ms. Martinez and responds with a curious look on her face because she wants to know what it is that Ms. Martinez can do.

1 comment:

  1. When coming up with a bigger picture for this scene, you could talk about the lines and how they connect to what is going on. You can talk about how the lines are soft and gentle, which helps us to see that Ms. Martinez is a helpful character and contributes to the scene in a positive way. You can also elaborate on how the lines that are outside are different from the inside lines in the way that they are not as soft and have a sort of scary vibe to them. Ms Martinez's room acts as sort of a safe haven for Mia away from the cruel outside world that she has to face.
