Thursday, October 3, 2019

Ben-Hur: 1959 to 2016 (Annotated Bibliography)

1950s in film. (2019, June 3). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from Wikipedia 
  • This source goes over the major films that were produced in the 1950s and what genres were popular. It also lists the top grossing movies of each year from 1950 to 1959. 
2010s in film. (2019, October 3). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from Wikipedia 
  • This site lists the top 50 gross movies of the last decade as well as a breakdown of top grossing movie by each year. 
1959 in film. (2019, August 30). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from Wikipedia 
  • This source goes over all the notable films in alphabetical order and the top 10 grossing movies that were made in 1959. 
2016 in film. (2019, October 2). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from Wikipedia 
  • This source goes over all the movies/film awards that were made in 2016 as well as lists all the genres that each movie produced was. 
Social History: 
Ben-Hur (1959 film). (2019, September 29). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from 
     Wikipedia website: 
Ben-Hur (2016 film). (2019, September 15). Retrieved October 3, 2019, from 
     Wikipedia website: 
  • These two sources are the Wikipedia pages for both movies. They both cover the plot of each film as well as statistics and facts about the production and outcome of both movies. These sources give basic information about the movies. There is more information about the 1959 movie because it had a greater historical impact and also broke many records. 
Tucker, C. (1997, June 16). The 1950s – Powerful Years for Religion. Retrieved 
     October 3, 2019, from USC News website: 
  • This source goes over the religious state of the U.S. during the 1950s. Tucker breaks up the decade into three categories and goes over each as well as states that the 1950s was the last decade of religious modernism. 
America's Changing Religious Landscape. (2015, May 12). Retrieved October 3, 
     2019, from Pew Research Center website: 
  • This source goes over the decline of religion and Christianity in the U.S. from 2007 to 2014. 
Beckman, J. (2000, October). Religion in Post-World War II America. Retrieved 
     October 3, 2019, from National Humanities Center website: 
  • This source goes over how religion has changed over the years since World War 2. 
Buchanan, K. (2014, February 14). Remakes Keep Flopping, But Here Are 4 Reasons 
     Why Hollywood Still Makes Them. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from Vulture 

  • This source describes four reasons that Hollywood keeps making remakes despite a lot of flops and not as many people being interested. 

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