Wednesday, October 9, 2019

semiotic Analysis of 17 Again vs. Seventeen Again

      Now, with “17 again” the one with the beloved Zac Efron. It was definitely for the kids because it was at a time were, he was at the height of his career. And the plots are so different on each. Zac has to find a way to reverse the future to get his family back as he is going through a divorce. And he does so by getting knocked off a bridge into a river only to wake up and find out he has gone back in time. He is given a second chance to make his family right, but he has to figure a way to get his ex-wife back and he is a seventeen-year-old kid.
     To bring them both together in both movies there is a divorce going on. In “Seventeen Again” the kids are sent to go live with their grandparents because their parents are getting divorced. And in “17 again” the parents are getting a divorce as well, but it is told from the dad’s point of view instead of the kids point view like “Seventeen Again”. But both films do introduce us to traveling back in time as well too just in different forms.

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