Syntagmatic-There are certain differences in Superman (1978) and Man of Steel (2013) the origin stories for the most part stay the same with certain tweaks happening within the story. Although after the origin story, the movie deviates and takes a different path with many noticeable differences.The Hero retains the same powers for the most part although time travel is not one of the 2013 Superman's known abilities. The main idea of Superman to give people hope still remains the same although, how Superman is represented has changed to a degree
Ideology:Superman in the 1978 film version, is shown to be a symbol of justice and peace trying his very hardest to establish his place in the world as a peacemaker for the U.S. In the 1978 version Superman is first shown as a symbol of hope. This changes in Man of Steel (2013) when Superman becomes a figure comparable to God. Superman is still shown to be a symbol of hope but certain aspects of the story still have similar parallels with Jesus Christ.
Social History/Genre: Superman (1978) came out in a time where comedy and horror movies dominated the movie theaters with movies like Jaws, Halloween,and even Grease coming out the same year. Superman was one of the only action movies a the time and Superman the movie pretty much birthed the superhero movies. it was the first one to have a large budget and attractive stars making people more interested in the movie. It had breakthrough special effects and the movie costed around $55 million dollars. The Film was released in 1978 which was toward the end of the cold war but still within the time period. Superman was released in a time that gave Americans a symbol of hope and patriotism in a time where the threat of nuclear war was still looming. In 2008 Marvel had effectively began setting up their Marvel Cinematic universe With Iron man and going on to release Thor and Captain America in 2011. The Avengers came out in 2012 and was a giant success within the box office breaking records within the first week. Dc had to capitalize on the Superhero success that was breaking out so they began setting up their DC universe. DC started out with one of their most attractive well known Superheroes Superman at a time where Action/Superhero movies were rising rapidly in popularity.
Adaptation-Superman in the 1978 version was birthed on Krypton just like the 2013 version but there is one key difference. In the 1978 version the Red Sun was going to explode threatening the planet but in the 2013 version Krypton was going to explode due to the Kryptonian's exploiting Krypton's core which could reflect Earth's reality and the excessive use of natural resources. In the 1978 version Jor-El parts with Kal-El or Superman by saying "You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. This is all I... all I can send you, Kal-El" In the 2013 version He says "
"You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders" and he also says "He will be a God to them" this simple statment shows how Kal-El or Superman went from a symbol of hope to being symbolized as a God. Kal El is also infused with a codex in the 2013 version which is basically the Genetic Code for all the Kryptonians. Kal-El is truly the last hope of Krypton which can be compared to Jesus being the last hope for the humans
What you have written so far is pretty good. You might want to focus more on Syntagmatic and anchorage, and then pragmatic and articulation.This should help you make what you are saying a little bit clearer. I also haven't seen either superman movies, but by what you have down I feel like I understand some of the differences.