Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Analyzing Fruitvale Station


This scene of a dog being run over was a perfect example of what effect the movie was attempting to give the audience. In the first screenshot, the main character, Oscar is cursing at the car that just drove off after hitting the dog. The camera follows him as he's walking back to the injured animal, giving a wobbly effect. The close up shots go back and forth between the dog and Oscar's face to portray the pain that the dog's feeling, as well as Oscar's growing awareness that the dog is dying. The last clip shows Oscar's final attempt to cry for help, but still no one shows up. After seeing that no one is around to help (or would even care to help), he walks back to his car and leaves. The sound from the passing subway is what transitions this scene to the next. This three minute scene gave the effect of bystanders becoming unbothered by innocent people/things dying and just choosing to walk away. 


  1. A good thing to analyze for the entire segment is that idea you stated at the end, the effect of someone or something dying and no one being bothered. Try to elaborate on the desperation and the pain that's in the shot. I think there's a lot of potential and emotion here to try and analyze

  2. An arguement that you could totally take with fruitvale station is how the dog's death is symbolic of Oscar or the fears he faces. From how you've described the clip, it sounds like it is meant to represent Oscar in someway, especially with how closed off he is. He's practically forced to be next to the dog and made to confront some very unpleasant things in that moment. Making an arguement about what the filmmakers were trying to say with that would be great!
