Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Little Women- Annotated Bibliography

 Kathyrn Flores

Annotated Bibliography of

Little Women (1994) & Little Women (2019)

Social History:

American Pop Culture in the 1990's. (2020, April 29). Retrieved from https://www.throwbacks.com/american-pop-culture-in-the-1990s/.

In this fun and eccentric journal, the writer gives a snapshot of what the 1990’s era looked like in the United States. With the growing popularity of music, band groups, and fashion, this decade became iconic. With a nostalgic feel, the writer portrays the key moments and highlights from that period.

This information can also be used to show another rise in feminism and a more sexualized portrayal of women. In the visuals provided, there is a stronger emphasis on smaller, tighter fitting clothing. This makes sense as to why the 1994 version was released when it was.


Little Women. (2020). Retrieved September 28, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Women.


This article provides a thorough overview of the printed book, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The background life of Alcott is given, along with her starting career as a writer. This article also gives insight into Alcott’s inspiration to writing this story and the significance behind the characters. Although this article is looking at the book, it helps to show a rise in individuality and female independence.



Hains, RCH (2009). Power Feminism, Mediated: Girl Power and the Commercial Politics of Change. Women's Studies in Communication32.1, 89-113. https://web-b-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.tlu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=13&sid=68ef22d2-2398-46fe-95d0-36d487a8633b%40pdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=38012183&db=ufh



Rebecca Hains examines the sweeping effects of feminism and the commercialization of ‘Girl Power. Although this was written in 2009, Hains looks at the 1990’s-2000 to show how this trend can be traced back to the influence of power feminism. Her argument is that feminism as a whole, no longer has substance or stamina because it has used as a marketing tool. With her graph of “girl power” products and the many examples of “girl power” television shows, movies, etc., Hains is able to demonstrate how much of an influence this has on the 1990's genre.



Frankland H.F. (2020, January 9). Little Women: 5 Things the 2019 Film Did Well. Retrieved from https://screenrant.com/little-women-best-things-about-the-2019-movie-what-the-1994-version-did-better/


The writer for this webpage portrayed a few differences between the 1994 and 2019 version of the films. Although both movies have maintained the same apparatus, Frankland is able to provide perspective on what she believes made the films more effective. This webpage could be helpful in showing how the films received relatively the same positive experience while using film as the text.

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