Monday, October 5, 2020

Growing up on this film you see all the magic that disney has out into and i loved it. Now living in the year of 2020 and seeing the new Mulan movie come out you can see a lot of differences. I believe they made these changes to appeal to a new audience (genre) and because of the evolution we have made with the feminist movement and also the culturally, racially "wokeness" (social history) that has come about in 2020.

1998 film: so this movie came out a year before i was born but i have two older sisters therefore i grew up watching this movie. When you think of animated cartoon movies you dont necessarily think of adult movies. This is the genre change, it went from a kids musical, to an adult no cartoon with real human actors film. Also in this film it has her "side kick" Mushu the small dragon. His funny and quirky attributes make him a good use for comedic relief in really serious times and a cute character for kids to enjoy watching. When looking in deeper his whole job was to "raise" Mulan into becoming this amazing warrior and to have her win so HE can come back to all the other ancestors looking like the hero.  I think the parts listed above go into the social history aspect of the changes because of what 2020 has show to care about. 

2020 film: yes my sister paid the $30 dollars for us to watch the movie when it released on disney+. When watching this film you see that all of the things you were kind of excited to relive from your childhood Mulan memories are all gone! The singing that everyone loved is gone. Because how serious would an older crowd take all of the singing and dressing up? (genre change). Mushu is now gone and honestly, not even a real character. He is simply a reminder she sees in her challenges when she faces them. This is because it would not have been morally correct to have a dragon NAMED MUSHU (kind of racist, they could have named him Bill, but because it is an Asian written movie they chose mushu) to  be there on screen when she is doing all these action scenes. They changed the movie from mushu being the one that is the hero at the ned of the movie to Mulan, and when watching you get a way bigger sense of women empowerment than you do in the original. When the scene arrives for the match maker they do not have her as some character to have this whole embarrassing scene, they keep her scene quite short and without a lot of the exaggeration.

I bring these differences up to show 1, how different the movie was but to also show the underlying messages that 1998 disney was carrying into their movies without anyone really noticing.  Making a culturally correct version really exposed all the culturally incorrect sayings the 1998 version was making. 

1 comment:

  1. A suggestion for your thesis on these two different film adaptations could be about how the feminist's movement has impacted our movies today, we see a lot of women being superheroes and warriors now then we did back then
