Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Black Panther: Challenge Day Analysis

 Challenge Day Scene Analysis:

In this scene from Black Panther, T'Challa is preparing for the traditional ceremony of having the spirit of the Black Panther stripped away from him so he can prove his fighting and skill ability without any assistance from the spirits. I chose this scene because this is where T'Challa is tested to prove his worth that even without the power of the Black Panther, he will be able to serve and protect his country as any other King. 

(51 sec. into scene)

medium close up (MCU)

Chest up shot of T’Challa as he prepares for Challenge Day.

eye level

Straight on from level where T’Challa is centered right in the center of the eye level position.



People of Wakanda are out of frame but can be heard as they chant and sing.

In this scene, we have a medium close up of a chest up shot of T'Challa when he finishes coming down the steps. This is the signal that the scene is about to start where T'Challa is going to have to prove and earn his title as King of Wakanda without the power of the Black Panther. Based off the sound that can be heard in this scene we can conclude that this is an offscreen space because although the camera is centered on T'Challa, there are tribe/council members in the background that are witnessing his test which then leads to the next picture of the scene. 

 (57 sec. into scene)

extreme long shot/

establishing shot (XLS)

This sacred location is shown in this format to show that this is much bigger and has more meaning than the city of Wakanda. It is a place where people can die, but Kings can be created.

Here we have an extreme long shot of the people of Wakanda which we can conclude that this is a symbol of a sacred place of tradition that is right of passage for the heirs/successors of Wakanda. This edge of the cliff signals the possible downfall that T'challa can face if he fails, and the people of Wakanda that are standing on the spaces of the rocks represent unity as they watch the challenge unfold. I believe that this is an important scene because it tells us that there is a 50/50 chance that T'Challa can either succeed or fail.

(3:12 min. into scene)

medium close up (MCU)

Chest up shot of Jabari tribe member as they come to challenge T'Challa.

eye level

Camera is eye level with the Jabari tribe member to give us a feeling of intimidation.



The top is closed in to show us how big and intimidating the Jabari are as they take up so much space of the cave.

Here we have the entrance of the Jabari which we can tell by the darkened colors and intimidating stares of the tribe member are not an ally of T'Challa and the other tribes. It starts with a medium close up of the first Jabari member as the closed space starts to cave in to make him look huge and intimidating. This is where the tension starts to arise and T'Challa realizes that he will be indeed fighting today in order to prove that he is King of Wakanda. 



Light coming from the sun above

These are just some extra shots that represent an overhead lighting which takes place throughout the entire scene. I wanted to add this here because it was one of the main film techniques that stood out to me the most as I watched this scene. I think that overhead lighting gives the characters more definition as they change their facial expressions which makes it easier to read them. 



  1. Hi Michaela, I really enjoyed reading your analysis. I liked how you went into detail on why each cut was important and how it reflects a huge factor in the movie. This moment in the movie is crucial to highlight the importance of him protecting and serving his people even when his powers are stripped. The close up shots represent to me the importance of this battle and how everyone is eager to see what happens.

  2. Hi Michaela, I also liked how you looked at the different cuts. I think you could discuss how these cuts build suspense. T'Challa and his supporters have a lot riding on this day. He faces possible death and his supporters possibly lose their leader. I think you did an excellent job of finding cuts that capture the importance of that day.

  3. Hey there! Wonderful analysis, I loved all of the descriptions and pictures and thought that went into it! I think that an argument you could make with your analysis is that the colors of the scene invoke an emotional response to the action occurring. The varying tones and changes from dark to light can bring out an overarching feeling to the piece and how that was created I think is worth exploring.
