Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Black Panther: Killmonger's Brazen Heist [CLIP] | TNT 10,316,544 viewsOct 21, 2020


0:00-long shot of Killmonger to establish that he is in a museum

0:07- Zooms to a medium long shot of Killmonger and the Mueseum employee

 0:59- When he says that shes wrong the errie music begins and thats when the lady realizes that there is something off about the man. This music is non-diogenic and simultaneous

1:55 the camera shot is a Low angle and the camera is blurred on purpose to put you in the position of the lady that was poisoned by Killmonger.

The entire thing is shot on a wide  lense so that they can fit everything into the frame such as the artifacts and the 2 characters that are participating in dialogue.

at 2:23 the music becomes more up tempo because they are getting to the actual heist. The music is non-diogenic and simultaneous.

They used classic cutting techniques because it was a relatively straight forward scene.

The aspect ratio for this movie was 1:90

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