Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Semiotic Data: Snow White Vs. Mirror Mirror


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released in 1937 during the Great Depression in the U.S. Mirror, Mirror is a remake of the original film that was released in 2012. Released 75 years apart, both films highlight the evolution of woman's history in American society. With the original version being more focused on getting her prince charming to rescue her, the new version focuses on Snow White gaining her Independence and fighting for her birth right as Queen of her kingdom. Both versions have a similar origin but there are major differences that stand out that involve the plot, characters, and scenes. 

Adaptations of Character:

1937 Version: This version of Snow White is more submissive and more depicted as a housewife when she stays with the seven dwarfs. Due to this film being made during the 1930s, the creators made her fit the description of what an American housewife is which tells us how society viewed women during this time. Snow White is more of a damsel in distress who depends on men like the dwarfs and prince charming to come and save her from danger. 

2012 Version: Here we have a totally different perception of Snow White in this film. Instead of a timid and submissive female lead, we have a headstrong and fierce warrior who defines the expectations of what men view her as. This film allowed Snow White to move past that stereotype and to prove that women can defend themselves and fight just like men can. 

Adaptation of Scene:

1937 Scene: The Evil Queen transforms herself into a homeless old lady and in return for helping her, offers Snow White an apple. Snow White eats the apple which then causes her to 'die' and wait until the Prince can come and kiss her to wake her up.

2012 Scene: At the wedding between Snow White and the Prince, the evil queen who is now old due to her curse not working offers Snow White an apple. Just as Snow White is about to take a bite, she notices that it is the evil queen. She grabs a knife and cuts a piece of the apple to give to her. The wedding celebration resumes after that. 

Adaptation of Plot: 

Both Films have similarities plot wise such as the evil queen wanting to get rid of Snow White, the symbolic apple and a happily ever after ending. But there are also differences in where Snow White's father is dead in the animated version, but is actually alive in the live action version. 


1937 film: This film is about a princess whose evil step mother wants her dad because she is jealous of her beauty. Once she is found to be alive, the evil queen disguises herself and tricks the princess into eating a poisoned apple that causes her to 'die'. Once the Prince defeats the evil queen, he comes and kisses Snow White, waking her up where they then have a happily ever after.

2012 film: This film is about Snow White making her mark on defeating the evil queen by taking back her birth right. By being trained by both the prince and the dwarfs, Snow White succeeds at defeating the evil queen's beast who happens to be her father. The Queen is no longer beautiful and is now old due to the failure of the curse. In the end, Snow White and the Prince get married and they live happily ever after.


1937 film: This film is classified as an animated musical fantasy and focuses more on the romantical aspect of a princess being saved by the prince.

2012 film: This film is classified as a fantasy comedy with some elements of action. It focuses more on Snow White becoming a strong and independent woman while fighting for her rightful place in her kingdom. 

Social History:

1937 film: This was a film that was created in early American society where women were seen as caregivers of the house while the men do the hard work. With this perception, the creators made Snow White have these qualities which is why we see her cleaning, cooking and doing alot of house wife responsibilities.

2012 Film: This film is focused on a more broad feminist aspect. Instead of the stereotypical housewife like the animated version, this film is more focused on Snow White completing her destiny to becoming Queen. Instead of cleaning she is sword fighting, instead of being a damsel in distress, she is fighting the dragon on her own. 


Paradigmatic Relationship- one aspect of both films that represent this term would be the apple scene where in the 1937 version, Snow White eats the apple. In the 2012 version, Snow White does not eat the apple which is major change from the animated film. Even though they have different outcomes it makes us look at the apple from a 'oh no' viewpoint to a 'checkmate' viewpoint when Snow White gives a piece of the apple to the Queen. 

Syntagmatic Relationship: Masculinity and Feminism is what I would define this term that is being represented in this film. In the 1937 film we see a more masculine male lead who comes and saves the day. So when we see the prince, we automatically think of him as the hero. But with the 2012 version having new perceptions and ideas of what American society is, we have a more prominent female lead who fights her own battles and saves her own life without the help of a prince. So we have the perception of Snow White being the hero and not the prince.

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