Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Creed Film

The time this film I picked was shot at 10:30-13:29 

This shot was taken as he was walking in his dads famous boxing academy about to confront a coach. This shot was taken at eye level. I believe Adonis had something that he wanted to discuss. So it shows him walking up to him.
In the shot you can tell that it was shot up close however the angle is at eye level. These two guys look like they are having a serious convocation. But the coaches head is turned as if he's trying to ignore him & don't care what he has to say. The lighting in the shot is very interesting it seems to be that the lighting for the windows are effecting the shots that gives a sidelit effect. 
In this shot it shows money being overlooked at to challenge anyone that thinks they can beat him up. At this point in the scene it he's is serous about boxing & is willing to put money on the line. This shot was taken from a high level while looking down at the money.

In this scene he waned to get his point across that he wasn't scared to fight anyone in the gym. So he offered the keys to his car so that someone could step forward. I feel like this shot was a medium unbalanced shot .
Adonis didn't care who he fought so he fought anyone that stepped forward which was Kevin Grier. 1 out of the 2 people that stepped up. This shot was taken to inform the audience who he was & what he has accomplished. In the shot they where both at eye level in the ring when he approached Adonis. 

In this shot Danny Wheeler approaches Adonis at a slightly high shot. He's the best boxer in the gym & the 2nd best in the world. Adonis still had the courage to fight him & thought that he could win because he knocked out the first guy he fought. When in Danny's eyes Adonis is no competition. 
This final shot concluded the clips scene. It wanted the audience to put there self in his shoes & see the defeat that he took. All you see is him hit the floor & the sound effect that came with it. He spit out his mouth peace to state that it was over & he lost. This last shot was took at a low worms eye level. 

1 comment:

  1. The creed film is a all time master piece that has loads of angles and that you have choose with intend all the angles are very frim and very much real life tings that we all do in real life time and hearing your information on what they are took me away
