Thursday, October 6, 2022

Semiotic Adaptation Thesis: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs vs. Snow White with Red Hair


Snow white is a girl that is lives with her evil step-mother (Evil Queen) who is jealous of snow white’s beauty. So the Evil Queen sends a huntsman to kill snow white and bring her heart to her, but the huntsman doesn’t want to kill snow white because she is beautiful and thinks that the animals of the forest will kill her. Snow white then finds a hut in the forest and goes in later 7 dwarfs find her in their home and take her in. the dwarfs warn her not to open the home for anyone because of her step-mother. Snow white doesn’t listen to them and her step-mother tries to kill her 3 times and wins the 3rd time with the red poisoned apple but Snow White learned and told her step-mother, in disguise, to eat the apple and the step mother at the side that is not poisoned and Snow White bites into it and die and there is no cure for the poisoned apple. the dwarfs couldn’t buried her because she looked alive and they put her in a glass case. then a prince finds her and wants to have her body in his castle and the dwarfs after many times of rejecting him let him have Snow White and when he is bring her body down from the cliff the case falls and the piece of the visioned apple comes out of Snow White’s mouth and falls in love with the prince and they both get married and she then invites her step mother to her castle and makes her dance on iron shoes over fire until she dies from it. 


Women throughout time have grown a more important role in tales, movies and history. Snow White is one of the classic fairytales of disney’s films. In this story Snow White is a young girl that does what she is told to survive and have food to eat and later marries a prince and lives happily ever after. While in this show Snow White With Red Hair the female role is more thought out instead of the female lead going to wait for her prince to save her she wants to continue her studies in Herbalism to become at herbalist in the castle of the kingdom she moved to. In the end women now look into have some independence and if they want to get married they want to have a partner as an equal instead of being a housewife. 


In the movie, Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White story is the same in the origin story expect for three parts, in the beginning Snow White meets the prince and falls in love at first sight and the prince promises to come back for her and that the queen kills snow white the first time with the poisoned apple but the apple is curse to bring Snow White back to life with true love’s kiss. lastly the queen is killed by a bolder. Snow White is very young and innocent and trust people to easily and doesn’t really show signs of making her own chooses in life just does what she is told. 

In the show, Snow White With Red Hair is about a young adult woman that works as an herbalist and she is told by a messenger from her kingdom that the first prince of Tanbarun, Raj Shenazard. He wants her as his concubine in the end Snow White (Shirayuki) leaves in the middle of the night to a new kingdom in order for the prince not to find her and she then meets the second prince of Clarines, Zen Wisteria, and he helps her with leaving Tanbarun. Turns out that the prince of Tanbarun tracks her down and gives her apples that are poisoned, nothing that can kill though. In the end, Zen bites the apple and Shirayuki goes to the place where Raj is, and she defends herself and asks for an antidote for the poison. The story then continues with Shirayuki making her own choices. This more updated version of the Snow White tale makes Snow White a more independent character and she has more of a personality and she wants to do something with her life instead of just getting married. 


  1. Yes! I like this thesis a lot because it shows how women have developed overtime and are gaining independence throughout time. Good job!

  2. Totally agree! The thesis is very on point I shared the same premise for my Snow White adaptation as well! It shows how much progression women have done in order to come to individualized standpoint that doesn't directly involve the males.
