Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Cat in The Hat (1971) vs (2003)


The Cat in The Hat


Genre: Fantasy/Power lessons



Power lessons


In the article the author uses the behavior of the boy, Conrad Walden to reflect the lessons and framework which is trying to be portrayed. This is done by first addressing how the boy asks in the first movie in which he is much more subdued and well behaved. The second movie however has a boy which is much more erratic in a way which the film would continue to emulate throughout.

https://www.stackexchange.live/wiki/The_Cat_in_the_Hat_(film)  (Retrieved Oct.3 2022)




These movies deal with a large cat who infiltrates a house without the knowledge of the homeowner and proceeds to terrorize and harass children. This is a far cry from the world we live in where the worst thing that a large cat would do is tear a person apart the way a carving knife dismembers meat.

https://www.jacquelynhberry.com/blog/what-we-can-learn-from-the-cat-in-the-hat#:~:text=The%20lesson%20is%20that%20outside,to%20look%20and%20be%20creative. (Retrieved Oct.3 2022)



Social History- The Cat in The Hat (1971) vs. The Cat in The Hat (2003)


The Cat In The Hat (1971)


In the original Cat In The Hat the storyline relies on the culture of the time to give framework to the story. This framework is shown in the way that the cat interacts with the kids. The cat in the 1971 film is much less aggressive in the way that he goes about teaching his message. This is because it wasn’t quite too crazy to think about a person teaching your kids a lesson away from you in the 70’s. This is much different than the early 2000’s where the idea of a random stranger interacting with your kids was nothing short of creepy.



The Cat In The Hat (2003)


This article goes into depth about how in the original film the boy, Conrad Walden is much different in the original than he would be in the 2003 remake. This is just one of the many difference that the second film has between it and the original which are very different in the audiences they are written for as well as the lessons which are meant to be taken. This difference illustrates societies view on what a real family experience looks like as the 1971 film shows attributes of being well mannered and calm while the 2003 picture’s portrayal is much more erratic.

https://seuss.fandom.com/wiki/Conrad_Walden (Retrieved Oct,3 2022)




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