Sunday, September 17, 2023

Love And Basketball

 Girls Championship Scene


focal depth/

implied proximity

 Long Shot

Medium Shot

Close up

During the scene I chose all three of these were used constantly. showing the full defender, then just her upper body and then showing her facial expressions.



 Eye level


 This part of the film was one of the only times that the camera is in a first person Pov.




 POV/subjective/”I”/eye camera

Not only was this a POV shot where the camera is her eyes, but the shot is also a slow shot, so the camera moves very slow.







On Screen 

Off Screen 

not only can you here the girl guarding her talking but you can also hear the crowd cheering in the background.





as everything is happening on camera you can hear the sound with it






not only could you hear the sound that matched it, but she would also talk to herself during the scene.






So once again we are hearing two things at once and one is outload for everyone while the other is just her to herself.

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