Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Pg 253

Abstraction level

4.3 for Jane, because you can see a small detail in her face. Although, she lacks shading and texture she is more than just two dots and a line.
4.4 for Grace. Although you can’t see the other side of her face she is given some features to make it noticeable that she is more than just a face with a dot for an eyeball.

The lines seen on Jane are soft and smooth, but for Mia the lines seem rigid on her hands. I think it is because of the position that she is in. For her face the lines are rounded off and soft. In the background the lines are also soft but rounded off. Where you are supposed to see sharp corners like the dresser or books you see rounded off edges.

Subject to subject because you start off with seeing Grace and her sister and then move to a close up of grace

The moment seems long because the sister doesn’t want to rush Grace.
Word- Image relationship

Between the words and images it is additive because without the words as readers we may not understand what is happening.
Grace is a 4.5 because it seems like she is just two dots with a line she has some features of a face which are the eyebrows, the small feature of the nose, and the tears that were added.
The lines seem soft but kind of rigid only because Grace is in distress and you can see it with the background.
From panel 2 to 3 the transition is aspect to aspect because it moves from Grace’s face to Mia’s face.
The moment seems to because since Grace is crying it might take a little longer for her to get the words out.  
The combination of the words and images would be picture specific because one you move past this panel you can guess what Grace told Mia without actually needing the words
Mia would be a 4 because she is more then two dots and a line. She has some shading under her eyes and the adding of the eyebrows add to her features.
The lines are soft because of her caring nature toward Grace
From panel 3 to 4 it is a moment to moment because you she her features react to her understanding of Grace’s words
The moment is a short because it doesn’t take Mia long to react
Mia would be a 4 because she has some shading under her eyes but not enough shading all round her face to make her move up a level
The lines become more rigid because she now knows that Grace is in distress.
From panel 4 to 5 it is action to action. In these two panels you see how Mia is reacting. You are moving through time without skipping a beat
The panel is short because It doesn’t take ling for Mia to react.
Mia would be a 4, the sister is the gray would be a 4.6, and the sister in lack would be 4.3. Mia has some shading but not a lot and then she is given teeth in this panel. The sister in gray would be a 4.6 because she doesn’t have much shading but without the eyebrows and nose, she would be a 5. The sister in black is given some shading around the nose.
The lines that are on Mia’s hands and legs are kind of rigid because her softness in this scene is taken away because she is fighting Grace’s sisters. The lines that are on the sisters are somewhat rounded off. The sister in gray has some sharp fingers and the curtains seem to have a point to them. I think this panel is more rigid is because of the fighting.
Panel 5 o 6 is a moment to moment because we are moving through time.
This scene is kind of long because it is the moment where Mia lands on the sister to start the fight.
The words and images seem picture specific. You don’t need the words there to understanding what is happening in the scene.
Mia would be a 4.8, because she is getting really close to just two dots and a line. She has some shading but not much. The sister in black would be 4 because she is given more features like the adding of the teeth. The sister in gray is a 4.6 because she has some facial features because she is making a face of pain. Unlike the other sister she wasn’t given any teeth
The lines are soft around the edges of the faces. The lines get more rigid around the arms where are the struggling are coming from
Panel 6 to 7 is aspect to aspect, because it feels like we are looking around the room.
This panel seems kind of shorten due to the fact that this specific scene has the feel of it being over.
The words and images are very picture specific because you really don’t need the words to understand that the sister got punched in the face.
The sister is a 4.5. She doesn’t have much facial features, but she has enough to not have two dots and a line. Grace doesn’t really have much of a face.
The lines are soft except in the clothing. The soft lines show us that the scene is becoming more sentimental.
This scene is aspect to aspect.
This panel I feel needs to be read a little long because of the feelings that are mixed into it. The sister wants Grace to calm down a little.
I think you can tell what kind of feelings that are happening without the word “gracie” added into it. This panel would be picture specific.

1 comment:

  1. In these pages currently Mia Grace and her sisters are going through conflict due to them wanting her to leave and come home. The panels are very chaotic and quick representing the struggle as a whole. I think overall Grace knew she was going to end up going with her sisters but she wanted to fight it as first. Mia really did not want Grace to go so she chose to fight her sisters even though they are her family. Overall this leads me to believe that sometimes the love you have for certain people you meet in your life might overpower the love you have for your family.
