Tuesday, September 10, 2019

On A Sunbeam

5 : The only visible face is blank due to how small her body is drawn.
1-2: scene to scene;
Mia is walking slowly because she is upset from the way Grace talked to her.
The lines are thin and unfinished but they curve around Mia to show her sadness.
2- there is no words on the panel.
No faces in panel.
2-3: scene to scene;
The speed is unclear but it must be faster than the other panels because it’s a space ship flying consistently.
This panel is mostly dark with few lines but they are soft and rounded.
2- there is no words on the panel.
4: The faces all have very little detail and no shading.
3-4: scene to scene;
The class looks very bored in this panel which makes the movement slow.
The lines are stronger but not as completely defined and gentle as the others.
2- there is no words on the panel.
4: The faces are further back but still have more detail then a 5
4-5: scene to scene;
This is faster because moving through hallways is stressful and quick paced to get to class.
The lines are gentle and defined.
2- there is no words on the panel.
4:  The faces are still not overly detailed but all show upset faces on the characters.
5-6: scene to scene;
This movement is slightly faster because Cristine is moving her head to the side.
The lines are thicker and stronger here but are still gentle.
2- there is no words on the panel.


  1. I think a good thing to note is that Grace is in two of the panels which are 4 and 6. So when she is walking to class I think although it may seem fast but there is s good chance that Mia is just standing there just looking at here while she talks with some of her friends. Then moving to panel 5 it may seem like she is staring at the girl with the ponytail but when we move to panel 6 we see that she is staring at Grace. So, the speed may seem fast but what if it is not. I think moving on from here you can maybe your thesis con focus on the speed/time change when Grace comes into the scene, because to me I feel like there is a noticeable change
    -Brittany Ibarra

  2. I think this is a really cool scene of the story I believe it is a fast but calm pace, focused on the journey in the spaceship. It appears to be a lower stake situation of the story compared to others in the story which are emotional and more melancholy. There is action in this scene though and this is a good analysis.
