Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Analyzing Black Panther


     In the end fight scene of Black Panther, Okoye is trying to get W’Kabi to call off the battle in order to stop everyone from fighting against each other and to save Wanda. This scene stood out because it portrays how a husband and wife can be against each other in the conflict of loyalty versus power. The cultural music in the background signifies the battle being won as everyone bows down to show whom they are loyal to. The slow effect of the music also allows the audience to pay attention to the emotions of the characters as they all understand how the battle is going to move forward. The camera zooming out to show the image as a whole and allowing the audience to see the group altogether also signifies the beauty of Wanda and why it means so much to the people who live there.









Music plays as battle continues and gives off a slow-motion effect as battle comes to an end.


As Okoye tells W’Kabi to put down his weapon, the camera zooms in on different important characters to show that they understand that the battle is over.


As the fight comes to the can see everyone in the background of the film bow down and you can also see the mountains behind them.

Space (onscreen vs. Offscreen)

The clip shows a close up of Okoye onscreen and offscreen you can see a blurry view of the battle continuing.

Outside in

This view is shown when the rhino is running towards one of the characters in order to push him down.


When W’Kabi throws down his weapon you can hear the sound of it hitting the ground which causes everyone to notice and end the battle.



  1. Your paragraph was a great you analyzed it quick and simple with me watching the movie a lot of times I feel like your paragraph could be longer could've went into more detail a little bit and your hart could be a little longer me personally feels like you missing bout 4-3 more things but you have a idea and off to a good start.

  2. I liked your paragraph going into detail about the emotions their giving in the scene, maybe tie the eotions giving off to how the camrea angle is and the lighting around them because you did great with sound being more emotionally but maybe involve the camrea and lighting.

  3. You picked a beautiful little moment and you done such a nice job analyzing it took me some time to figure out what I was going to say about it. I think what strikes me the most is how good the composition of the final shot is. It's like a painting, in a way. You have layers of background stacked on top of one another; you have the mountains and the river in the background, the ongoing battle in the mid ground, and W'kabi and Okoye in the foreground. They are centered, with their entire bodies visible. It's clear we're supposed to see everything happening in this shot as W'kabi kneels, followed by his tribe. Even the rhino bows in the corner. W'kabi and Okoye are centered, and you can even divide the picture into three, horizontal parts - the ground, the crowd, and the horizon. The rhino and one of the fallen soldiers on each side frame the scene. Overall, the shot is incredibly balanced, which you could say is indicative of Wakanda restoring balance.

    The scene is also dramatically backlit by the sunset, underscoring the important moment. Notably, it is the very same sunset T'challa will show Killmonger as he dies. With that in mind, you can say that that lighting choice is meant to signify reconciliation, or at the very least, the end of violence.

  4. This exact moment of the final battle signifies how loyal the people of wakanda are. You picked the scene where a couple had to pick between who they wanted to defend in honor of who the king shall be. You described the emotion that was going on between them and the rest of both tribes fighting each other. The loyalty shows when he kneels to his wife and the camera zooms out to show everyone else showing their respect.

  5. This was a good analysis of just this small, but important scene. I think you could also include how the balanced diagonals reflect the overall feeling from those in battle, things are coming back into balance- the fight is over. You could also note how the lighting in that clip emphasized Okoye’s character and made her stand out more as she held a weapon to W’Kabi. Overall, I think you did great and you’re on the right track!
