Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Black Panther


The Shot







extreme long shot, birds eye, point of view, background plane, onscreen, open space, balanced centered 

Typical Hollywood lighting, 

16x9 aspect ratio, wide angle as it allows multiple things in focus,16mm quality restored condition very high res quality 

Correct exposure light looks good 

Outside in editing because it starts at a whole video then zooms in to each character, visible cut symbolic match 

Diegetic sound, sound from cars and stuff in offscreen, simultaneous external and synchronous.  





Medium close up , eye level, stationary camera person moving camera, midground, onscreen and balanced 

Typical Hollywood lighting 

16x9 aspect ratio, wide angle,16mm quality restored condition very high res quality

Correct exposure light looks good, 

it uses a montage to give different angles of them in the conversation, shot reverse shot as the camera switches between them.

Diegetic sound, sound from cars and stuff in offscreen as the camera focuses on them, simultaneous external and synchronous. 




close up, eye level, the background is blurred to focus on him 

Typical Hollywood lighting it might be side lit a bit 

16x9 aspect ratio, wide angle,16mm quality restored condition very high res quality

Correct exposure light looks good

it uses a montage to give different angles of them in the conversation, shot reverse shot as the camera switches between them.

Diegetic sound, offscreen as the camera focuses on them, simultaneous external and synchronous.  




  1. One thesis you could do is talk about how the bright lighting used in the movie could symbolize the absence of race based violence. The movie Black Panther is supposed to show and appreciate black culture if it had been untouched by colonization. We quite literally get to see black culture in a brighter light than we do when we turn on the news now.

  2. I think one thesis that you might want to talk about would be, talking about how the different styles and outfits that they wear are shown throughout the film and also how they are shown with the different angles. You could talk about how they do this to show the culture that they have an the significance of what they wear and how they wear it.
