Monday, October 5, 2020


The Original Jungle book in 1967 and the new live action version in 2016  (both made by disney) vary in very many ways. The obvious change here is the fact that it is not a cartoon anymore. The original version was this kind of this cooky and funny environment with a little hint of seriousness, where as the live action was much more focused on the action and had more detailed fighting scenes.  I specifically pciked the Shere Khan scene because it depicts this the best. These pictures are both taken at the moment when Mowgli finds out that fire is Shere Khans fear, and uses that. 

    As you can see in the original film, Shere Khan has this startled, frightened look on his face, where as the live action one he has the angry and intimidating face. In the original film Mowgli attaches a branch of fire to Shere Khans tail, and Shere Khan proceeds to run away in fear and in the live action film Shere falls into the fire whilst trying to catch Mowgli, who is jumping across trees and such as a boy cub does.

    The differences in these scenes can show a correlation to the the world events that were happening during their release date. In 1967, when the original movie was released, we were in the midst of the Vietnam War. The nation was in despair and not to mention that alot of father figures werent at home during this. The mothers were at home with their kids and kids needed a movie to watch that taught good lessons in life and that they could watch alone since stay at home mothers are busy. This differs from the 2016 time period becasue we have houses full of families. Parents are able to sit and watch the movies with their kids so movie creaters can get more ambitious with their realness in movies.

    I also think that this scene can show us that we as a nation were sort of scared in 67'. we didn't really know what was going to happen after the war, and we were much like Shere Khan, intimidated, scared, and easily frightened by the past. In 2016 we were quite opposite, again like Shere Khan. We put the fear into people, we weren't scared and were ready for whatever was next.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have a great topic with talking about the time periods when these movies came out and the changes between households. How the movie is cooky and funny and slightly serious with the animated film compared to the live action. The picture you picked shows this statement perfectly.
