Thursday, September 8, 2022

Black Panther Bridge Scene Film Techniques chart

page 2 is on top and one is on bottom I can't fix it unfortunately 
this is my shortened version of the chart since it was only a page, don't know why everything is small, I hope to god I did this right


1 comment:

  1. First of all, I would like to mention that I wear glasses, so you might want to try to re-upload your tables since it's a bit hard to read the tables. The table is easy to understand and it is thorough. You were able to explain almost everything that needed to be mentioned in this action scene. You mentioned aspects such as the action match edit and the photography which I feel not everyone has mentioned, and I think it's awesome you can tell the type of photography since I can't. Your argument might be more driven by describing this cool action scene in Seoul, and the different angles and movements the camera switches to show the flexibility of this scene. Overall, I feel like maybe talking to Dr. Vrooman on how to re-upload your assignment should be the first step to take.
