Thursday, September 8, 2022

Black Panther Mineshaft Scene Analysis

The scene I used was starting from 1:48:51 and ending at 1:53:51 of Black Panther. This scene mainly consists of fast paced editing, long shots, mid shots, shakey camera angles and no closed shots since most of it is in large spaces that reach upwards.

1 comment:

  1. The way that you structure your review on the assignment is very appealing. Including your notes help me read faster and get a better insight into what the movie is about. I feel like maybe the effect column could be added to the notes section you have. Also, add some pictures of the scenes to your table or on your notes below. as for the content in your notes, it's a great mix of the content of the scent along with characteristics of the shot, the focal depth, angle, and plane were accurately explained, I would just add more details into the type of editing (invisible, visible, etc). I rewatch the scene and I felt you could also talk about the parallel editing between characters and maybe look for some master shots. overall, it's a great first draft, and I feel like you're argument should be focused both on T'challa's battle against killmonger and agent ross flight's thrilling scene
