Saturday, October 15, 2022

Semiotic adaptation: mockingjay book vs movie part 2

 Your task will be to post only two of the likely many pages of data elaboration you are doing for this project. As with the Film/TV Analysis project, you will be creating pages with a series of notes. Those notes will be on issues of adaptation, ideology, genre and social history, all of which are wrapped up in semiotics. The specific two pages you post should be about the same moment (or a place where the moment was changed, left out or reconfigured) in your first text in then in the adapted text, so that we can see specifically how you are comparing the two texts.


·      Comparison between pages: 446 & 447 comparison to mockingjay part 2




The mockingjay is the last book from Suzanne’s collins collection. It is a book that denotes the horrors of the armed conflict between the united districts versus the capitol.  Katniss filled be rage and pain, is driven to go to the capitol and kill president snow by herself, but she’s not alone. Her loyalties and friends go with her on her mission to get revenge against the capitol that murder her hometown. 




When I was watching the movie and reading the book Mockingjay by Suzanne collins, I was baffled. The reason for this is because it’s also at a perfect adaptation from the book to the movie. Most of the scenes not only share the same plot as in the book, but in addition, Lions gate also used almost all the dialogues from the book and adapt them into the movie. It’s a perfect love letter to young adults literature fans who were the common audience back in 2015. Dystopian literature, drama, and young adult fiction are the main three genres I can visualize and both film and book, but when analyzing both pieces, the distribution of the genres changes significantly because of the PG13 restrictions in mockingjay Part 2. Because of this, small tweaks and twists had to be made in order to reduce the gore and hard topics such as slavery and fascism younger audiences aren’t allowed to see. 




My argument here is that in the mockingjay final chapter, Katniss Everdeen kills president coin and is sentence to stay in district twelve for and indefinite time. In the after-match, Katniss is working through her traumas and trying to survive each day at a time. She spends months having nightmares, barely eating and taking care of herself, not to mentioned that she’s still covered in burn wounds that never healed. In the film, Katniss trauma is subtly implied, but suddenly Katniss healing process begins when Peeta moves in with her, and then they have children. In the book, Katniss has housemaid, and a counselor that help her regain strength after the rebellion, and when she finally feels an improvement in her mental health she has children with Peeta. Although she mentions several times that she has constant nightmares due to the horrors she lived through the hunger games trilogy. It can even be argued about Katniss suffering from long term PTSD symptoms. In any case, the main difference between the book and the movie is Katniss healing process and everlasting wounds after the war are almost inexistent in the film adaptation. It is almost suggested that Katniss recovery is due to her marriage and children with Peeta.



1 comment:

  1. Yes! It directly applies to how in many ways, film will depict on the idea on how woman should evoke emotions based on the male gaze. Which relates to difference on how her healing journey was presented. Great Job!
